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Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved

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Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved  Empty Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved

Post by Jason Voorhees June 19th 2023, 3:56 am


All information for solving this timeline will be posted within the thread for everyone to see and read! If you aren't a fan of a Canonical timeline then that is on you! this forum post is meant for those who want to help piece together this franchise history! so thank you to those who enjoy it, share it, and want to help solve this even more! I enjoy doing my research and giving away new information!

Timeline #1 Solution: The Script

Script Evidence No.1

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved  Img_2056
(Credit to  @Mario Kirner for this screenshot!)

The official script given to Tina Shepard during the prologue we saw for Friday the 13th: The New Blood is when she was only about Twelve years old during the opening scene between her father and mother: John and Amanda Shepard.

Script Evidence No.2

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved  Img_2085
(Credit to  @Mario Kirner for this screenshot!)

Another heavy indicator of this time jump is this direct statement about Jason Voorhees being at the bottom of crystal lake more than 7-years after the events of Jason Lives! If we do more math solutions again as I did in my original online thread it will help give everyone a proper visual idea of what I am doing! this visual chart is from the logical placement of 1990 the most canon-timeline wise for Jason Lives!!

The 1990 Chart

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved  Timeli10

As you can see this timeline place Part VII into an official canonicalized timeline as the other solutions are just alternative timeline places to help make senses of other situations within the timeline and connects Part VII to FvJ and how do I know this?

Evidence 1: Writers for Freddy Vs Jason!

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved  Fvj_qu10

Evidence 2: Writer for Jason Goes to Hell!

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved  Adam_m10

This places everything factually canonical just short time frames between the events!

1990: Jason Lives
2002: The New Blood/Jason Takes Manhattan/JGTH
2003: Freddy Vs Jason

Jason X isn't listed because 2010 is its original timeline placement so that's why this isn't listed.

Timeline #2 Solution: Alternative Year

What would I mean about an Alternative year? well if anyone read my Tommy Jarvis timeline post some would see the Part V year and then you have fans who believe Part V/VI happens in the same year which could/can be possible given as mentioned here that Tommy has no MM/DD for his birth but only the year (1984-12=1972)

The 1989 Chart

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved  Timeli11

This still places Part VII in the 2000s and still gives a window for Part 8, Jason goes to Hell, and Freddy Vs Jason! the difference? only by a year! so again this could/can be canonized depending on which team you are on as one side of the fanbase says it takes place in 1990 a year later from 1989 and then you have those with the 1989 timeline where Part V/VI is the same year! This is a 2/3 solution for this timeline!

Timeline #3 Solution: Tom Mcloughlin

Skip to 3:37 and end at 4:06

Tom Mcloughlin himself the writer/director of Jason Lives states that his film for the Friday the 13th franchise takes place in 1986 and not at the end of the 1980s or at the start of the 1990s! I also made another visual chart for everyone to follow!!

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood Timeline is Officially Solved  Timeli12

Following this legend's own interpretation of what year his own film takes place, it would make Part 7 in the very Late 1990s and give a bigger timeline gap for Part 8 and Part 9! This is the 3/3 Solution!

The con to this solution is that if it takes place in 1986 then this means Tommy would have been 15 or 16 years old during this time! So also consider this when you are trying to canonized this placement.

Additional Information

This is to also answer the many questions that a lot of people might or would have for my post! if you wanna ask me something post it down below! I am willing to answer any and all questions relating to the timelines!

Question: What about John Buechler's statement about it being 10+ years?

My Answer: This can be chalked up to him adding an estimate timelapse between Part 6 and Part 7 as the script does allude to 7+ but it's never explicitly stated! BUT if it was a 10+ year time skip it would be WAY into the future of events! it would mean Part VII is in the early 2000s and it logically wouldn't place in the timeline whatsoever making the film indirectly non-canon!

Question: What about Jason Takes Manhattan placement?

My Answer: As mentioned in the post from/by Adam Marcus himself where he said that the company told him to ignore Part 8 and to follow up from Part VII which we can logically make sense of due to the deleted scene of Part VII ending where Jason grabs a fisherman, the new clothes, and why Jason looks the way he does as Jason's hands look more like Part 7 more than Part 8 ever did so we can confer that the clothes are new as he has done in Part 3 and that this takes place mid or late 2001 and later into the mid-2003 for the FVJ timeline, so yes if you aren't a fan of Part 8 you can by your own opinion/will ignore it but people like me? I believe it can work as either the same year as Part VII or a gap between them! again this is up to the fans own feelings and not just my own!

Question: What about the FBI?? Didn't they need evidence?

My Answer Given the situation from Jason Lives who is to say that the higher feds wasn't keeping tabs? and with the events of Part VII its safe to assume they knew exactly what was happening and finally did something!

Question: Explain Jason's clothing and physical change from Part 7 to JGTH?!

My Answer: As I mentioned Jason could/can/would have stolen someone's clothes and given that Jason clearly had awhile to heal it makes sense that his decayed skin would turn back into a more "living" and flesh-tone appearance!

Question: Are any of these even Canon?

My Answer: MANY fans, theorists, debaters, and etc could/can use my research to pin-point their own canonical placement as ALOT of things can be placed but as anyone can see from the evidence and the charts that this isn't fan-made knowledge but official aka canonical information from the writers/directors of the films themselves!

Question: Who cares about Canon and official timelines?

My Answer: MANY fans of the series do care as this will help them in their own pursuit for fan-films, fan-comics, and etc and this will help make the timeline more consistent and more logical for everyone to understand as well as limiting research issues that people will have!

As for Tina's birth year as mentioned above for each difference in the timelines

Timeline 1#: Tina Shepard would have been born in 1985

Timeline 2#: Tina Shepard would have been born in 1984

Timeline 3#: Tina Shepard would have been born in 1981

and again there is no MM/DD for either Tommy/Tina so these timelines can be them in mid-birthday years and make them a lot older for example Part V is said that Tommy is 17 but they never implied he just turned 17 or that he recently had a birthday and that he has been 17 for a while when he was transferred to Pinehurst!


If you are lost about the mumbo combo here is a quicker and easier summary...

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood would be 2002

Jason Takes Manhattan: Would still be 2002

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday would be 2002

Freddy Vs Jason would be 2003

Those who would take Adam's Marcus words as more "official" could place out Jason Takes Manhattan and it will still be logically and consistently within the same year and won't break the timeline itself and that Part 7-9 would taken place in short time periods of each other.

My Other Timeline Posts!

Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

Age : 78
Gender : Male
Posts : 2550
Join Date : 2017-06-24
Location : Camp Crystal Lake

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