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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by Jason Voorhees April 30th 2024, 5:34 pm

ThePunisher wrote:
Jason Voorhees wrote:
Ivan1987 wrote:So apart from the original Leprechaun with Jennifer Aniston, the only sequel I have seen was the 2018 movie, which I considered a great fun. I think if the original movie doesn't take itself seriously at all, it doesn't really matter how many sequels it has, as long as they follow the same route. Still need to see the rest of the sequels to make a definitive opinion, though. Smile

Ooooh man you're gonna be coming back here like "What did I watch?" 😂

Leprechaun definitely should have stopped at its 3rd original film or at the very least the 4th in my opinion.

Another series I believe they shouldn't have had made a sequel for was with out a doubt... yeah it's supposed to be unrealistical, goofy, and nonsensical but making about 5 or 6 is just taking itself too seriously at that point the Trilogy was fine and shouldn't have gotten any more sequels.

Personally, I wouldn't have made ANY Sharknado movie, but hey, my pockets aren't the ones being lined with cash.

Agreed lol!

Ivan1987 wrote:What do you mean? Well, if by any chance I manage to see the rest of the Leprechaun movies, by that time I probably won't come back to this thread to tell you about it, if that's what you're referring to. Smile

Oh? 👀 I do hope you had some blast with them lol! The Leprechaun series was always a good weird more than bad weird lol.

Ivan1987 wrote:Sharknado is good as it is, let them make five more sequels, I don't care about it. You guys take this too seriously, while horror is exactly the one genre that is not to be taken really seriously, if you ask me. Horror movies are destinied to have sequels.
I'm a big time horror fanatic and when it comes to Horror Vs Horror Comedy, the Horror Comedy shouldn't try to be like Halloween or OG TCM and take itself too seriously lol! Ofc everything is gonna have a sequel depending on the company/money but Sharkando was not a film series Sci-Fi should have been hooked on there was so many of there other decent films that should have gotten some sequels.
Jason Voorhees
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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by mnknut30 May 1st 2024, 2:38 am

Texas chainsaw massacre should of only been the first one. While i enjoy part 2 for its satire.. it doesnt have that gritty dirty snuff film vibe of the original. part 3 and 4 are in some ways just reimagined remakes of the original. The remake in 2003 was fine.. but after that... they took another dive down. Should of stayed with just the 1974 movie.

to reply to the scream thing... Scream 2 is one of the best sequels period IMO..but after that like it was mentioned it shouldnt of been a personal motive as more of a copycat fame thing. part 3 sucks.. 4 is ok... I did like 5 and 6 for what they are... but the first two are all that were needed.

I know.. had one really great stalk scene.. and some stupid plot holes. I like the atmosphere but thats it. I still know..while had some good kills was so FUCKING POINTLESS.

with that being said.. outside of those suggestions. American psycho 2, ANYTHING after the original jaws, the fly 2, Carrie 2, The hills have eyes 2 (1984) NONE of those should of ever been made.

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by Ivan1987 May 1st 2024, 2:46 am

I might be weird, but I enjoyed the Jaws sequels and I also liked Carrie 2. If you don't think about the first movie too much, that might help while watching the rest. They only used the same title to lure people in, but it's good to think of it as separate movies.

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by mnknut30 May 1st 2024, 2:47 am

jaws 2 gets a pass to a degree.. but the rest after that. I cant stomach it.. the 3d movie lol makes me laugh every single time I watch it.

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by Ivan1987 May 1st 2024, 2:50 am

Louis Gossett, who played the SeaWorld manager in the third one has died not a long time ago, have you noticed?

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by mnknut30 May 1st 2024, 2:59 am

Ivan1987 wrote:Louis Gossett, who played the SeaWorld manager in the third one has died not a long time ago, have you noticed?

Ah I didnt realize that. Still not a fan of the movie but I did like him. RIP.

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by Jason Voorhees May 1st 2024, 5:22 am

Yeah these two?...

Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Img_2121

Jaws 3 (Jaws 3-D) and Jaws 4: The Revenge are the worse sequels to a great series...I would never ever in my ENTIRE well being would call Jaws 3/Jaws 4 anything other than Cashgrabs and would never consider them sequels.

Jaws (1975): MASTERPIECE of a film, build-up was slow but it was Amazing! The usage of actually "Hiding" the creature even though we knew it was a Shark already and was either scared or in disbelief that a Shark would be such a man-eater that's where the Shark Hunting resurgence happen due to fear that's just how amazing the Original Jaws was.

Jaws 2: It's a PERFECT sequel, it gives us Martin Brody (Chief Brody) having a form of severe PTSD something that traumatic would definitely affect someone especially if they were directly involve and seeing Brody go crazy and to see that he was right was worth it!! The ending was also iconic!

Jaws 3: Garbage...whoever thought this movie was a good idea shouldn't be approving any movies! The aquarium was a HORRIBLE plotline! The Baby Shark gimmick didn't make sense at all either.

Jaws 4: The fact this was greenlit and produced is absolutely INSANE! A Great White Shark that's out for revenge for his "Family" doesn't automatically make sense because even by the Novels logic of "Voodoo" still horrible and killing off Sean Brody was unnecessary and could have happened in the mid or late film but nope...

Even the Jaws gets a huge criticism from me they aren't safe either...

Bruce: The Original 25-foot long Great White was what caused fear into people!! Bruce is iconic a symbol in the horror creature category! (Originally in the Novel Bruce aka Jaws is 20 feet long)

Brucette: Bruce "Wife" Brucette was like her husband a major menace to Brody and later his children, she is the same size as her mate (unlike the novel) but far more seemingly faster than him if there was a horror couple goals they would be the top pick 😂, and to mention in the novel she was bigger than Bruce she was 30-feet long only 5 meters longer and took down a Orca (Presumably Bruce could too due to his size.)

Brucetta: Amazingly she isn't apart of the "Jaws" Bloodline BUT she is one of the biggest in the film series she's about 35 feet long but this doesn't save her from being in a terrible with Vengeance there was nothing special other than her size.

Vengeance: Yeah I'm not joking...that's his name...Vengeance...he is the "Son" of Bruce and Brucette who took revenge on the Brody family...despite not knowing them but wait the explanation of "Voodoo" does it all...he's about the same size as his parents at 25-feet long (Novel has him at 28 feet long.) BUT again nothing really rememberable for this Jaws at all...
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by ZroSkeerd May 17th 2024, 12:12 pm

Lots of great mentions in the thread so far.

I don't think Hatchet should've had any sequels. In my opinion, the original is a terrific love letter to slasher films and a helluva lot of fun. All that started to go out the door with the first sequel.

I don't know if they had more money to make Hatchet II, but the whole production looks cheaper. And from there the story gets more outlandish and the effects more ridiculous, but not in a fun way.

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by mnknut30 May 26th 2024, 6:50 pm

ZroSkeerd wrote:Lots of great mentions in the thread so far.

I don't think Hatchet should've had any sequels. In my opinion, the original is a terrific love letter to slasher films and a helluva lot of fun. All that started to go out the door with the first sequel.

I don't know if they had more money to make Hatchet II, but the whole production looks cheaper. And from there the story gets more outlandish and the effects more ridiculous, but not in a fun way.

I actually agree here. First hatchet is awesome and was a good slapstick slasher at the time of too many remakes,reboots and torture horror.

To answer your question.. Each hatchet movie was funded less and less as the sequels go on and it shows.
Each sequels quality went down each one IMO. Although Felissa Roses death in victor crowley is one of the best!

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by Jason Voorhees May 27th 2024, 3:40 am

ZroSkeerd wrote:Lots of great mentions in the thread so far.

I don't think Hatchet should've had any sequels. In my opinion, the original is a terrific love letter to slasher films and a helluva lot of fun. All that started to go out the door with the first sequel.

I don't know if they had more money to make Hatchet II, but the whole production looks cheaper. And from there the story gets more outlandish and the effects more ridiculous, but not in a fun way.

OK HEY NOOOOOW!!!! I love the Hatchet series!!! I can't wait for Hatchet V �
Jason Voorhees
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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by ThePunisher May 27th 2024, 4:05 pm

Jason Voorhees wrote:
ZroSkeerd wrote:Lots of great mentions in the thread so far.

I don't think Hatchet should've had any sequels. In my opinion, the original is a terrific love letter to slasher films and a helluva lot of fun. All that started to go out the door with the first sequel.

I don't know if they had more money to make Hatchet II, but the whole production looks cheaper. And from there the story gets more outlandish and the effects more ridiculous, but not in a fun way.

OK HEY NOOOOOW!!!! I love the Hatchet series!!! I can't wait for Hatchet V

As long as Danielle Harris in it, I'm game.

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by Jason Voorhees June 29th 2024, 2:41 am

ThePunisher wrote:
Jason Voorhees wrote:
ZroSkeerd wrote:Lots of great mentions in the thread so far.

I don't think Hatchet should've had any sequels. In my opinion, the original is a terrific love letter to slasher films and a helluva lot of fun. All that started to go out the door with the first sequel.

I don't know if they had more money to make Hatchet II, but the whole production looks cheaper. And from there the story gets more outlandish and the effects more ridiculous, but not in a fun way.

OK HEY NOOOOOW!!!! I love the Hatchet series!!! I can't wait for Hatchet V

As long as Danielle Harris in it, I'm game.

I agree!!
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by t8mc June 29th 2024, 12:07 pm

The Hatchet series definitely brings diminishing returns.

Maybe not in the true spirit of the question but Alien definitely didn't need a prequel. That's for damn sure.

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by ThePunisher June 29th 2024, 2:39 pm

mnknut30 wrote:jaws 2 gets a pass to a degree.. but the rest after that. I cant stomach it.. the 3d movie lol makes me laugh every single time I watch it.

OMG, I can't watch it either. The one where the shark is " trying to get even " with the guy's widow is just too far gone from any sense to think about. Who greenlit those anyway?

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Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed? Empty Re: Horror Sequel that Shouldn't have Existed?

Post by Jason Voorhees July 2nd 2024, 1:47 am

ThePunisher wrote:
mnknut30 wrote:jaws 2 gets a pass to a degree.. but the rest after that. I cant stomach it.. the 3d movie lol makes me laugh every single time I watch it.

OMG, I can't watch it either. The one where the shark is " trying to get even " with the guy's widow is just too far gone from any sense to think about.  Who greenlit those anyway?

Universal Pictures Greenlit em lmfao!
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