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What kind of man would Jason have been if he hadn't drowned

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What kind of man would Jason have been if he hadn't drowned Empty What kind of man would Jason have been if he hadn't drowned

Post by SonofOdin6039 May 13th 2024, 8:23 am

After watching Marvel's What If series and reading the comics of the same title, I started wondering what would have become of Jason if he hadn't drowned as a child. Pamela wouldn't have gone on her murder spree, unless she was out for revenge of him being bullied. But would the authorities have gotten wind of his regeneration abilities and made him a lab rat, or would he have ended up in a shack in the woods anyway? Would he have murderous instincts or were those simply because of watching his mother get beheaded? So many points to wonder
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What kind of man would Jason have been if he hadn't drowned Empty Re: What kind of man would Jason have been if he hadn't drowned

Post by ThePunisher May 13th 2024, 4:19 pm

I think he may have grown up to be a bully and spent time trying to get back at those who bullied him. He may have murdered a few people as well.

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