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Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime!

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Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime! Empty Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime!

Post by Jason Voorhees February 15th 2024, 5:13 pm


Hello readers! This thread is to help inform people about these two fictional characters...the isn't gonna be a biased or misinformative-based online post where people make claims and yet it doesn't follow the official canon/continuity of either series, so enjoy the maaaaany canon facts of why Michael Myers from the Halloween Franchise wouldn't or even couldn't beat Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th franchise.

Reason 1: Strength

This is a no-contest for Jason both Human and Undead...I've seen claims of fans stating Michael is stronger than Jason? but this isn't at all evident in either of their franchises even if we count the "Car" feat from the remake what other strength feat does Michael honestly have? Jason as a human could very much lift a small car the same size as the one Rob Zombie's Michael has done, it also should be noted in Freddy Vs Jason that it's confirmed in the official novelization that Jason lifted 10+ tons off of his body with just a single free arm/hand so let that sink in...because throughout Halloween 1-2 and Halloween 4-6, H20/Resurrection, Halloween 2018-Halloween Ends we seen Michael lifting humans and barely breaking down doors, unlike Jason who in the final chapter nearing the climax of the film used his PALMS to completely destroy a wooden door, mind you no human can do that Michael is credited by John Carpenter himself to be an "almost" supernatural force and yet we have never seen Michael destroying doors the way Jason does, even in Friday Part 4 Jason snaps Rob's rifle in half and that takes STRENGTH! a lot of it!

Let's also include striking power here because the best "Display" of strength I will give to the "Original" Michael timeline before Blumhouse retconned it all is the "Thumb" through the forehead kill, but even then Jason has CRUSH people's skulls before, has lifted people single handed like Michael, and yet one big difference of power here is that Jason has thrown entire corpses through windows with ease and again this is BEFORE he became undead.

Undead Jason has ripped off entire limbs, bent people with a mattress, smashed people against a tree in a sleeping bag, and much much more even lifting 10+ tons off of himself in Freddy Vs Jason and yes the boiler was confirmed to be over 10 tons.

So by Strength alone how is Michael gonna win this? Jason both living and undead outright beats him in this category!

Reason 2: Durability

The old argument...
Online Poster wrote:Well Michael survived 6 shots and walked away! Jason didn't get shot until he was undead!!

Yes, Michael survived 6 shots from a .38 Special Smith & Wesson Model 15 during the climax of the 1978 Halloween film by Doctor Samuel Loomis but prior to the 1st film events what did OG Michael show durability-wise? Jason in his 1st appearance survived a chainsaw cutting his arm, and survived a machete being sliced through his shoulder and mind you...both should be by definition "Dead" by normal human mindsets but given in real life people have survived similar or worse its to say? BUT now later films like Halloween 2 showed us that Michael couldn't survive the fire explosion and yes John Carpenter himself said Michael DIED until the company wanted to produce more we never got how Michael survived the fire in Halloween 4 so in this regards Michael has a "slight" edge but given throughout the franchise each time Michael survived it was explained as "Dark Magic" from Celtic times aka Samhain as in Halloween 4-6 Michael has taken alot of damage BUT basically had to be natured back to health.

Jason from Part 2-4 didn't receive any medical treatment to keep going but more or less biological (Reasoning 9 will explain more) as human Jason survived the shoulder injury, a knife stab to his thigh and hand, a hanging from a 16 feet drop, an axe wound to his skull, multiple blunt trauma from Trish with a hammer, a machete to his chest, and yes even survived the 1st blow from Tommy with his own machete until after the multiple strikes from him.

I know you guys are reading the part where I said Michael needed help...if you re-watch the movies each film had Michael needing help don't believe me?...

Halloween 4: Medical Hospital helps treat a coma-induced Michael, giving him his treatments for burns, and then the climax he is shot up by the sheriff's department.

Halloween 5: The Hermit helps treat and take care of Michael in his shelter as Michael slips into another coma, and comes back due to the "Celtic Magic"

Halloween 6: The cult of Thorns was helping Michael behind the scenes treating him and his wounds, and helping him escape from the jail cell from the previous film.

so durability-wise? Michael isn't winning as this is shown within the film itself of him not being able to survive the amount of damage and needing time to recuperate tells me Michael can't take a lot of physical damage, even in the later Blumhouse trilogy it shows us that Michael is very much in a human body like anyone else.

Human Jason might not be winning when it comes to the "Gunfire" category but Jason was surviving continuous damage without medical aid unlike Michael was in his franchise, even mentioning Revenant Zombie Jason? like has no one seen part 6 where Jason is no selling revolvers and shotgun shots like they were nothing? Part 7 Jason casually shrugs off pistol shots? even headshots don't do anything to Undead Jason so what will Michael do??

Scenario-wise?? Michael is melee and close-combat so is Jason so what will Michael do to someone who survives more physical melee punishment and can out-strength him??? Human or Zombie Jason would toss Michael around.

Reason 3: Speed

We all known the remake versions of these slashers can sprint/run but we are speaking more for the Original and not remakes.

Both would seemingly look tied but given Michael is known more for walking Vs Jason from Parts 2-4 is known for chasing his victims it is obvious Jason is winning this category so not just is Jason out strengthing and out-lasting Michael...he is also out running him??? I know people gonna talk about the minor chase scene with Laurie...yes he was charging down but he wasn't actively "Chasing" her down like Jason was in Part 2-4.

We know Zombie Jason doesn't "Run/Sprint" but given in the paintball scene in Jason Lives that Jason most definitely power walks and both walk in their later films (outside of remakes/reboots yet again!) so again an undead killer with unlimited stamina vs a almost-supernatural man? doesn't sound like a fight...

Reason 4: Agility

contrary to belief? both of them are actually agile in their own way...

Resurrection? Dropping down from a pipe takes agility...but Jason both Human/Undead has shown athletic skills in this category in minor senses as well as in Part 4 Jason was climbing rooftops and casually dodging shots with a cut open arm/hand wound and in Part 7 Jason was jumping through windows, and let's not forget FvJ was almost evening it up with Freddy during their fight, capable of swinging his machete like a sword and countering Freddy with close fist shots.

so I'll ask everyone this one who is winning this category as well? because so far I don't remember Michael being agile, climbing roofs, or even jumping through windows? so again Jason is winning this category as well with feats on his belt, busta rhymes was even giving Michael the hands and kicks during their fight and Michael was barely even countering let alone dodging anything thrown at him where Jason was leaping out of the way in Part 3 from almost being run over.

Reason 5: Experience

This is something that any horror fans for these franchises forget...experiences of both the characters...both are almost "even" in terms of their experience with killing and in general "life" but Michael has always been contained and his kills were people in his way rather than him actually hunting down people in open regions like Jason has.

In terms? the experience category goes to Jason, I haven't seen enough from Michael who been in comas for years or been contained for years having the same amount of experiences as Jason does, Jason was YES in his later years but Michael had one kill prior when he was a child and was later confined at Smithgroves so really? Jason has him in experience.

Reason 6: Intelligence

Firstly lets give this a major spoiler for those who dont know...Both are not "educated" on a scholar level as Michael was six when he was arrested and Jason was 11 when he died...

but in terms of intelligence displayed by both of these killers? Jason is clearly the more smarter now...let me explain and let me list how/why Jason Voorhees is alot more intelligent than Michael Myers...

Jason has more experience and intelligence as Jason manages to track,hunt,lure, and live in the woods for years, and he knows how to sabotage cars, electrical devices, and play dead, Jason is far more intelligent than what most people believe he is as Jason knows to disable guns (as mentioned with Robs Gun), knows how to plan ahead as Jason lured a police officer into the woods to kill him, as he knew Police aren't good news when you are killing out in the woods.

Both are silent
Both can understand English

With this said what's else is there to state? Michael has been tricked FAR more with pillows than Jason ever has been, even Jason was smart enough to play dead against Tina waiting for her to closer.

He was baiting Trish when he was grabbing Tommy.

Michael has shown to perceive threats ofcourse and has shown to hide,wait, and disable communication but what else has he truly shown? It seems people mistake "opportunity" with Planning.

Reason 7: Weapon Versaility

With experience and weapon Versaility I had to split them up BUT Michael and Jason in this category is another loss for Michael...

Jason has used far more weapons throughout his entire franchise more than Michael has in his.

These aren't headcanon or my own opinion look through the entire franchise...if you give them their complete arsenal in a fight? Jason has the overall advantage from close,mid, and long range weapons, Jason has them all.

Michael primarily ever used a kitchen knives or knives in general so this isn't much of a fight as the only mid-range melee weapon that he has ever used was the scythe vs Jason using a fence spear, and a harpoon guns, Jason is very much variable in his weapons skills Moreso than Michael is.

Reason 8: Physical Age,Weight, and Height

For the sake of Continuity...we will go by the most  "actor" based heights....

3/8 Actors were average at 6 ft 2 for Michael

2/8 Actors were average at 6 ft 3 for Jason

Weight wise both were around 240+ pounds

Age-wise? Jason is the older one

So it's not much of a difference here for Michael as it's only an inch difference.

Reason 9: Powers & Abilities

Jason has far more powers and abilities more so than Michael this is a given...

Michael has the basics...Super strength, durability, and almost Immortality.

Jason has super strength, durability, Immortality, regeneration, Teleportation, and shifting.

(I ain't mentioning JGTH...)

Reason 10: Conclusion

So Jason has basically the entire category against Michael...the only thing Michael has over Jason right now is the movie counts.

Jason will run Michael through like no one else! And I haven't even mentioned Jason X for alot of other reasons that's obvious but Michael Myers has no chance against any version of Jason Voorhees.

(This was a rush post and I'll edit it for proper sentence structures and etc so I apologize in advance!)
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime! Empty Re: Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime!

Post by SonofOdin6039 February 22nd 2024, 11:53 am

On the whole, I agree that Jason trumps Michael in all categories but I will respectfully point out that Michael, in addition to be able to drive, he has the know how to disable town power grids and cars, like outside Haddonfield hospital. He will attempt to isolate his primary target, but almost always botches the job. Jason is a grizzly bear who kills at will and for the most part doesn't plan on a single target, just the group as a whole, improvising along the way. Barring Michael tricking Jason into a furnace or something like that, none of Micahels scheming and stealth will have any factor if he comes face to face with Jason. He may have an edge in intelligence, but that won't be enough against Jason's raw power and healing. They did an episode of Death Battle two Halloweens ago and concluded the same thing
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Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime! Empty Re: Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime!

Post by Jason Voorhees February 22nd 2024, 5:53 pm

SonofOdin6039 wrote:On the whole, I agree that Jason trumps Michael in all categories but I will respectfully point out that Michael,  in addition to be able to drive, he has the know how to disable town power grids and cars, like outside Haddonfield hospital.  He will attempt to isolate his primary target, but almost always botches the job.  Jason is a grizzly bear who kills at will and for the most part doesn't plan on a single target,  just the group as a whole,  improvising along the way.  Barring Michael tricking Jason into a furnace or something like that, none of Micahels scheming and stealth will have any factor if he comes face to face with Jason.  He may have an edge in intelligence,  but that won't be enough against Jason's raw power and healing. They did an episode of Death Battle two Halloweens ago and concluded the same thing

Yes both are intelligent in their own way but as you said Jason doesn't solo out a kill he goes for everyone, as we all seen Pamela and Jason going after everyone 1 by 1, and hiding their corpse (Son like Mother eh?) And I would say Jason being more of a "Hermit" would be far more aware of his environment more than Michael would be.

Zombie Jason would just be overkill.
Jason Voorhees
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Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime! Empty Re: Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime!

Post by SonofOdin6039 February 22nd 2024, 8:27 pm

Being a hermit is a good point. Self reliance probably the single greatest advantage anyone could have
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Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime! Empty Re: Reasons why Jason Voorhees beat Michael Myers everytime!

Post by Jason Voorhees February 24th 2024, 11:01 am

SonofOdin6039 wrote:Being a hermit is a good point.  Self reliance probably the single greatest advantage anyone could have

Hunting, scavenging, building, tracking, and hunting is all signs of intelligence which Jason has and built within him.
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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