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Has anyone ever tried to scam you?

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Has anyone ever tried to scam you? Empty Has anyone ever tried to scam you?

Post by ThePunisher December 20th 2023, 6:56 am

This morning, I was at a local convenience store with gas pumps. I was throwing something out away from the pumps when a lady with a cane asks me for $5 or $10 for gas. Keep in mind she was with a guy, and they had this huge pickup truck that looked new. I told them no.

When I went into the store, I wanted to let the guy behind the counter know there might be a problem at the pumps and watch for a drive off. Sure enough, as we're looking outside, the lady is leaning in someone's car window asking for money. That's hard to deal with because you need to get this person away from your car.

What do you think of this? Does it sound like a scam? It sure seemed like it.

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Location : Camp Crystal Lake

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Has anyone ever tried to scam you? Empty Re: Has anyone ever tried to scam you?

Post by Darrin/Strigoi January 1st 2024, 2:59 am

It might be.
sometimes people wait for you to open your wallet and then they begin brutally punching you.

Age : 42
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Location : Unknown.

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Has anyone ever tried to scam you? Empty Re: Has anyone ever tried to scam you?

Post by t8mc January 11th 2024, 11:17 am

Yes! But here's the thing, you need to change your view of the world.

I work by the assumption that everyone wants your money. Especially companies. They see your money as theirs and you as an obstacle. I try not to pay for subscriptions I don't need, I don't answer the phone to numbers I don't know, I block any spammy emails. Assume the world wants your cash. You can't trust anyone. Like McReady said.

Posts : 51
Join Date : 2023-11-08
Location : UK

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