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Your first experience with Friday the 13th

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by jasn88cubs December 8th 2023, 2:21 pm

I remember 3 moments

1)On Scream when they says Mrs Voohrees was the killer in pt 1--blew my mind

2)Seeing the start of Friday the 13th pt 1 and getting scared and stooped watching

3)Pt 8 when Rennie is pushed into the lake as a kid and Jason grabs her. I was massively confused on what I was watching
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by Jason Voorhees December 8th 2023, 4:30 pm

If we talking about the moments....

1.) Part VII: Kane Hodder coming out of the lake and the Sleeping Bag scene.

2.) Part VI: C.J. Graham busting through the door and the opening scene.

3.) Part 2: Steve Dash creeping up from the bed and the Ralph death scene.
Jason Voorhees
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by ThePunisher December 8th 2023, 4:56 pm

For me,

1) Going to the theater to see part 3 wearing 3D glasses.

2) Hearing my sister shriek when Jason jumps out of the water in the original.

3) Sitting in a movie theater alone watching Jason X. That was a moment of clarity for me.

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by jasn88cubs December 8th 2023, 6:05 pm

I'm jealous of you that got to see the movies in theater
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by ThePunisher December 9th 2023, 8:30 am

jasn88cubs wrote:I'm jealous of you that got to see the movies in theater

It was interesting. But keep in mind that I was completely alone watching Jason X and the only other person in part 3 was my best friend at the time. Kinda sad really.

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by Jason Voorhees December 9th 2023, 10:22 am

jasn88cubs wrote:I'm jealous of you that got to see the movies in theater

Give me a time machine and I'll do the exact same thing!
Jason Voorhees
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by ThePunisher December 10th 2023, 11:37 am

Jason Voorhees wrote:
jasn88cubs wrote:I'm jealous of you that got to see the movies in theater

Give me a time machine and I'll do the exact same thing!

Let's get together as a group and have a marathon!!!!

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by Pamela80 March 15th 2024, 5:23 pm

I was 13 when I first watched Friday the 13th I watched the first one on video then the Final Chapter then 2 and 3 and so on.

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by SonofOdin6039 March 20th 2024, 3:24 pm

As a teenager, I was browsing through the old Cornerstore Video in the horror section when I spotted Friday the 13th Part 3. The VHS tapes (yes, I'm that old) for Parts 1 and 2 were rented out so I picked up Part 3 and took it home to watch. My dad walked in while I was watching it and I thought he was going to reprimand me since we usually watched war movies together. Instead he sat down and watched it with me, not giving me any crap, but I had to share my popcorn. When it was over I expected a criticism but all he said was, hmm, different. He told me grew up watching the Universal classics and saw nothing wrong with me watching horror, as long as it didn't screw up my head. I asked him later to watch the others but he just shrugged and said one was enough, same as Halloween. But he never judged me for keeping up with F13, Halloween, or any other horror movies
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by ThePunisher April 3rd 2024, 1:19 pm

SonofOdin6039 wrote:As a teenager, I was browsing through the old Cornerstore Video in the horror section when I spotted Friday the 13th Part 3. The VHS tapes (yes, I'm that old) for Parts 1 and 2 were rented out so I picked up Part 3 and took it home to watch. My dad walked in while I was watching it and I thought he was going to reprimand me since we usually watched war movies together. Instead he sat down and watched it with me, not giving me any crap, but I had to share my popcorn. When it was over I expected a criticism but all he said was, hmm, different. He told me grew up watching the Universal classics and saw nothing wrong with me watching horror, as long as it didn't screw up my head. I asked him later to watch the others but he just shrugged and said one was enough, same as Halloween. But he never judged me for keeping up with F13, Halloween, or any other horror movies

He sounds like a good guy.

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by Jason Voorhees April 4th 2024, 4:22 am

SonofOdin6039 wrote:As a teenager, I was browsing through the old Cornerstore Video in the horror section when I spotted Friday the 13th Part 3. The VHS tapes (yes, I'm that old) for Parts 1 and 2 were rented out so I picked up Part 3 and took it home to watch. My dad walked in while I was watching it and I thought he was going to reprimand me since we usually watched war movies together. Instead he sat down and watched it with me,  not giving me any crap, but I had to share my popcorn.  When it was over I expected a criticism but all he said was, hmm, different. He told me grew up watching the Universal classics and saw nothing wrong with me watching horror, as long as it didn't screw up my head. I asked him later to watch the others but he just shrugged and said one was enough, same as Halloween.  But he never judged me for keeping up with F13, Halloween,  or any other horror movies

Dad sounds awesome! My mom will validate that she got me into Horror even before I was born (yes, she was pregnant with me and watching horror movies all the time.) And it's true, she let me watch horror movies but nudity wasn't allowed but I believe down the road she realized I didn't care for nudity but for the Monsters, Kills, Blood, and the Gore of it all! Your dad definitely loves ya interest in the genre and didn't hender you with it.
Jason Voorhees
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by Trekapedia April 4th 2024, 9:17 pm

First time I saw:

Part One: AMC was showing it for an anniversary and I came home and saw it on. I definitely remember watching it on AMC more the following Friday The 13th and not caring it was edited.

Part 2: Watched it on a weeklong marathon on The New TNN which later became Spike TV. Recorded it off The New TNN back to back with Part 3 the following marathon since I loved it so much.

Part 3: Turned it on The New TNN thinking it was gonna be Part VI. It turned out to be Part 3 instead and what made it even funnier was they kept the title as FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VI: JASON LIVES on the bottom of the screen the entire night lol. I fell in love with Part 3 that night I first saw it.

The Final Chapter: I think this was on Spike TV as well but I can’t remember exactly the first time I saw it.

A New Beginning: Rented this from Blockbuster one summer and was blown away by how fun it was. Still shocked that it was Roy.

Part VI: Watched it after WCW Monday Nitro one night and was having a blast.

Part VII: Rented it from Blockbuster I think but this one is fuzzy for me to remember exactly.

Part VIII: Watched it on Spike TV or USA. Bought it on vhs one Christmas because Blockbuster didn’t have it to be rented. Thank goodness for Suncoast.

JGTH: Rented it from Blockbuster and loved it.

Jason X: Saw this with my friend Melanie in the theatre and loved every second of it. She still teases me about the campers in the hologram scene lol.

Freddy Vs Jason: Waited THIRTEEN YEARS for this movie! I was the one man street team according to my friend Paul when it came to this movie. Saw it four times at the same theatre I saw Jason X, including twice the opening weekend!

Friday The 13th 2009: Saw this at same theatre I saw Jason X and Freddy Vs Jason. Opening weekend I saw it by myself. Brought Melanie with me second time and she enjoyed it.

Btw, for The New TNN marathons I mentioned above. First off, that was when they had Jason running a marathon. Second, the Halloween day that I was watching one of the marathons on there, my grandmother watched some of them with me. So I have this nice memory of her watching with me and just laughing and having a good time before she passed.

Also, I still remember one Halloween being so bummed they weren’t doing the Friday The 13th marathon for the first time in a few years. I was like “wait they’re showing some movie called Nightmares but not Jason and his mom this year?!?” I don’t think they ever did the marathons again until they became The Paramount Network.

Good memories and I still love finding the commercials, ads and bumpers for the marathons on YouTube. I’m too young to have been able to watch the USA Network marathons but I love finding them on YouTube as well. I saw some of the marathons TNT would do. Same with AMC and their marathons. FX did a few but didn’t seem too interested in doing them after awhile sadly.
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by jasn88cubs April 5th 2024, 12:08 pm

pt 1-Amc when I was younger , dad told me about it. I was too scared

pt-2--not sure

pt-3 on Tnn during a marathon

pt-4 same thing

pt-5 Amc marathon

pt-6 marathon

7--marathon amc

8- on USA, i tuned in on the part where Jason was a boy in the lake, I Was confused

9--WGN---turned it off after 20 mins


Freddy vs Jason--Dad rented it

Friday teh 13th 2009-Mtv
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by Ivan1987 April 23rd 2024, 9:41 am

My first ever experience with F13 was when I was at high school and we were on vacation at a mountain hotel. Our father was asleep and me and my brother just found out there was F13 Part III on a Hungarian TV channel. We watched it and had great fun with it although we didn't understand a single word due to the movie being in Hungarian.

Then one day I rented all the movies at a local dvd rental store. It was 2007 and I was 19 or something like that.

I have seen Jason X on TV and the remake on Netflix, which was around 2019. And believe it or not, it wasn't until fall 2023 that I finally managed to watch all of the old movies for the second time. I still haven't seen Jason Goes to Hell.

My first experience with Halloween came much sooner, by the way. I must have been around 6 or 7 years old, when I managed to watch parts of Halloween II on TV late in the night. I own all the movies on DVD and watched them at least hundred times, well, unlike F13. Sorry, for being off-topic here. Smile

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by Jason Voorhees April 24th 2024, 7:54 am

Ivan1987 wrote:My first ever experience with F13 was when I was at high school and we were on vacation at a mountain hotel. Our father was asleep and me and my brother just found out there was F13 Part III on a Hungarian TV channel. We watched it and had great fun with it although we didn't understand a single word due to the movie being in Hungarian.

Then one day I rented all the movies at a local dvd rental store. It was 2007 and I was 19 or something like that.

I have seen Jason X on TV and the remake on Netflix, which was around 2019. And believe it or not, it wasn't until fall 2023 that I finally managed to watch all of the old movies for the second time. I still haven't seen Jason Goes to Hell.

My first experience with Halloween came much sooner, by the way. I must have been around 6 or 7 years old, when I managed to watch parts of Halloween II on TV late in the night. I own all the movies on DVD and watched them at least hundred times, well, unlike F13. Sorry, for being off-topic here. Smile

Whoa! That's an interesting introduction to a series! And no need to apologize haha! We all get alittle off-topic!
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by Ivan1987 April 24th 2024, 2:11 pm

Yeah, that stuff with the hotel never gets old. Back then I had no idea what F13 is, but totally enjoyed the movie.

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by SonofOdin6039 April 24th 2024, 9:42 pm

That's what this site is minded movie buffs with different stories and experiences.
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by Jason Voorhees April 27th 2024, 2:04 am

SonofOdin6039 wrote:That's what this site is minded movie buffs with different stories and experiences.  

Correct! I can't wait for more activity here!
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by ZroSkeerd May 10th 2024, 4:50 pm

My first experience with Friday the 13th was when I was about five. I used to wake up in the middle of the night and sneak into the living room to watch TV (it was the only one in the house). I was flipping through channels and came to Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives right about the time lightning was hitting Jason's grave. I remember sitting through the whole movie, pulling my blanket over my head every time Jason showed up, but I couldn't turn it off. I crawled into my parents' bed when it was over.

A little later we were in the video store and I talked my mom into letting me rent the Friday the 13th NES game (yeah, I'm getting old). When we took it back I saw the row of Friday the 13th VHS tapes. It took some begging and pleading, and my mother having a conversation with me about what's real vs. what's make-believe, but over a few weeks we rented and watched them all (they were up to Jason Takes Manhattan at the time). She had to watch them with me so she could fast-forward through the boob scenes.

I later found out that my parents' first date was seeing Friday the 13th Part III in 3D in the theater, so I find it appropriate that this series was my introduction to horror.
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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by ThePunisher May 10th 2024, 6:13 pm

ZroSkeerd wrote:My first experience with Friday the 13th was when I was about five. I used to wake up in the middle of the night and sneak into the living room to watch TV (it was the only one in the house). I was flipping through channels and came to Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives right about the time lightning was hitting Jason's grave. I remember sitting through the whole movie, pulling my blanket over my head every time Jason showed up, but I couldn't turn it off. I crawled into my parents' bed when it was over.

A little later we were in the video store and I talked my mom into letting me rent the Friday the 13th NES game (yeah, I'm getting old). When we took it back I saw the row of Friday the 13th VHS tapes. It took some begging and pleading, and my mother having a conversation with me about what's real vs. what's make-believe, but over a few weeks we rented and watched them all (they were up to Jason Takes Manhattan at the time). She had to watch them with me so she could fast-forward through the boob scenes.

I later found out that my parents' first date was seeing Friday the 13th Part III in 3D in the theater, so I find it appropriate that this series was my introduction to horror.

What a great first date for your parents!!!!

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by mnknut30 May 26th 2024, 3:41 pm

I have older brothers so they always were watching them and renting them. For me it was Jason Lives and it was on TNT. I was about 6-7. LOVED it.. Thought jason was so cool and loved the visuals and look of the film.

Then afterwards my brothers had my mom rent JGTH the unrated version and I was told I was not allowed to watch it but my brothers woke me up and let me come out and watch it. My mom was not happy when she found out.

Eventually she came to understand that they are just fiction movies that young teenagers liked and allowed the video store to let me rent them. (I had a video store a half block away from my house so id walk there with friends and rent movies).

A new blood was next.. and I became a big fan. The last one I got to was the original... and I didnt like it at first because it was about his mother and not jason but later came to really love the vibe, atmosphere and cinematography of it.

Friday the 13th series on VHS was a different experience than DVDS, blu rays etc... They were more grainer and looked a helluva lot scarier but if we didnt get the DVDS we wouldnt be able to see jason standing in the corner in part 7 when hes about to kill david. That is not in the VHS because its cropped.

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Your first experience with Friday the 13th Empty Re: Your first experience with Friday the 13th

Post by ThePunisher May 26th 2024, 5:15 pm

mnknut30 wrote:I have older brothers so they always were watching them and renting them. For me it was Jason Lives and it was on TNT. I was about 6-7. LOVED it.. Thought jason was so cool and loved the visuals and look of the film.

Then afterwards my brothers had my mom rent JGTH the unrated version and I was told I was not allowed to watch it but my brothers woke me up and let me come out and watch it. My mom was not happy when she found out.

Eventually she came to understand that they are just fiction movies that young teenagers liked and allowed the video store to let me rent them. (I had a video store a half block away from my house so id walk there with friends and rent movies).

A new blood was next.. and I became a big fan. The last one I got to was the original... and I didnt like it at first because it was about his mother and not jason but later came to really love the vibe, atmosphere and cinematography of it.

Friday the 13th series on VHS was a different experience than DVDS, blu rays etc... They were more grainer and looked a helluva lot scarier but if we didnt get the DVDS we wouldnt be able to see jason standing in the corner in part 7 when hes about to kill david. That is not in the VHS because its cropped.

Gotta love those litle extras on the DVDs. Do you still keep a VHS collection around?

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