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What if Jason Voorhees was in The Walking Dead Universe?

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What if Jason Voorhees was in The Walking Dead Universe? Empty What if Jason Voorhees was in The Walking Dead Universe?

Post by Jason Voorhees July 8th 2023, 4:12 pm

Firstly let me give credit where credit is due as the thumbnail everyone will see is from and by Ones Customs himself and by the way makes one of the best-known horror 1/6 custom figures ever! I would love to save up for one but they are sadly expensive!

This discussion will be a mix of canon from both the respected franchises and will leave most of the "Supernatural" aspects from Friday the 13th into some oblivion as those aspects are more or less hard to even explain so just bare with me when reading this thread!

Where is Jason during the outbreak?

So the biggest question is well Where would Jason be? In New Jersey ofcourse! And if no one knew this but New Jersey like many many states was overrun by the "Walkers" and yet Jason wouldn't care about this as long as he can do what he wants as there is no more civilization or any real humanity left for him to even care about or for.

Jason's Origins?!

Let's give this a more "Urban Legend" where we don't even try to manipulate any history and give Jason the "Boogeyman" lore where he is a hermit, his crimes are nothing more than "Copycats" and that within this Origin the outbreak is set in 2010 whereby all purposes Jason would be in his Mid-60s and still chasing down, hunting, and killing hikers, campers, and etc and that the New Jersey police just don't have the funds/means to just go after every missing person so Jason is kept hidden until the outbreak hits, he notices that "Humans" weren't normal anymore and so he flees his wooden home and seek whatever shelter he can find.

I believe Jason wouldn't see the point in hunting the living unless he has to so he stays docile and passive with others unless he feels something is off about them, and ofcourse he takes supplies he knows he needs.

and yes this will also make "The final chapter" unofficial as this is a living human Jason and not a corpse.

Laws of Their Universes?

The Walking Dead Universe is very much open-discussion based about there being Heaven/Hell, the executive producer Gale Anne Hurd went on to state this about the afterlife.

Gale Ann Hurd wrote:"The show doesn't have a stance on whether there's an afterlife, It's character-dependent on their belief system. And I think it reflects each of our individual journeys with faith. Some characters, like Maggie, lose their religious faith and some gain much more peace in it. ‘Til the very end, Hershel maintained his belief and his gentleness. And even though he knew the end was there, he had faith that he would go on to a better place. He'd be reunited with the family that he had lost."

Where we know both franchises have literal corpses rising from death itself but the difference is one is Supernatural and one is Scientific and in the Friday the 13th universe it's much different we know from the Novel's that there confirmations about Limbo and that in the movies there is Hell so this must also mean Heaven also exist but for this discussion, Heaven and Hell is clearly just whatever peoples own belief system as Gale Hurd had stated.

Wildfire Virus

Not much is 100% confirmed about the Virus and what we know is by word of mouth from the scientists but the Wildfire Virus would be more dangerous to Jason because as many who watch the TV Series or read the comics, there are variants such as...

  • Walkers: The typical and well the majority known version is the Walkers which we know that they are dangerous in numbers and barely a threat alone
  • Shamblers: The far more weaker versions of typical walkers are shambles that are heavily decayed and easier to handle.
  • Roamers: The rarity variant is Roamers these are Walkers who return back to what they know like their home or other such memories.
  • Climbers: The most dangerous and rare walkers are the climbers they are far more complex and dangerous capable of climbing and problem thinking they are the most deadliest versions of walkers there is in the walking did.

As many already know as with MANY fictional series about/for zombies is that ofcourse Saliva and Blood will cause infection and that reanimation is all dependable based on factors overall the Wildfire Virus has a 100% infection rate which makes it fatal no matter the bite/blood dosage.

Since this version of Jason is more grounded into reality it's safe to assume that Jason has a normal immune system with no regenerative healing factor so one bite without removing the infected area will most definitely kill him.

Jason's Physiology?

As we know Jason is gonna be suffering from older age in his Mid-60s and will be suffering from his Hydrocephalus which causes him some disabilities such as normal speech and partial blindness but yet if we go down for more scientific terms to help explain his inhuman strength we can thank that to Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy which is double the muscle of a human being making this also explain ALOT for both series in terms of human medical conditions.

Jason would have suffered some previously healed but severe injuries such as:

  • Shoulder Slice: When Ginny had slice Jason in the shoulder.
  • Knee Stab: When Chris stabbed him in the leg.
  • Hand Stab: When Chris stabbed him in the hand.
  • Axe Wound: When Chris plunged a Axe to his head

So its safe to assume for consistencies sake Jason is physically around 6 ft 2-6 ft 3 so he isn't a small guy by any means and has the resources to stay that way and his immune system is ofcourse up to date at this time but I believe his Immune system is 100% strong until he gets bitten ofcourse.

Now Jason Voorhees has no regenerative abilities so this means he can't fight off the effects of the virus.

Intelligence why? Jason is in his own way intelligent as he knows how to disarm weapons, cut electronic boxes, and other such things even building a shelter do his disability doesn't hinder this aspect of his brain.

Human Jason in TWD

As a Human? Jason is by far more than capable of killing and surviving in this new world, he gets to do what he wants as he previously did without any judgment from law enforcement and his personality would be of a "Introvert" as he would be cautious, shy, and very protective of himself and his property, he would very much have no issue, no remorse, and no problem killing bandits, looters, or anyone who is problematic to him and his survival, his entire being is to keep living, surviving, and killing both walker and humans alike.

I believe if we placed him in the walking dead, walkers fresh or not wouldn't be an issue for him, Jason would easily overpower anyone with his strength, capable of making shelters, scavenging for food, and hunting wildlife, and this man will survive for years likely even survive in his 80s at the very minimum before he dies.

Will Jason find someone? No idea but given the history there will be someone who would love him despite them likely never understanding him and knowing of his previous life.

Will Jason have a legacy? Again as above it could be possible, he could have kids left to take on his genetics legacy BUT again this is a big WHAT IF here about him ever reproducing as Jason doesn't really like humans.

What would be his body count for walkers and humans? Very high...unlike our usual and main survivors, Jason would be far more experience and will likely even kill over 400+ walkers in his life before he dies, hell even higher if he uses his survival instinct to make traps and other such things.

What if he faced the main human villains? This is ofcourse a no brainer but Jason wouldn't submit and definitely wouldn't be someone's underlying unless he knows he has to like for a lover or someone he himself holds dare like protecting children from walkers, and that people like the Governor, Saviours, and Whisperers will be nothing short of minimal threats to him, the moment Alpha and Beta tries something Jason would be tossing around Beta like its nothing, his size is great but Jason's strength is far more superior, Governor and his people would leave him be as he loses too many people, saviors would be letting Jason do what he wants as Negan wouldn't just waste his time on a man who can't speak and who won't even follow orders, it's mutual respect.

Would I believe he would be a threat to the main survivors?? YES, he would be a major threat, this is Jason Voorhees who has stealth, killing experience, and survival higher than theirs, this Jason would be a menace to them.

Jason's overall killing method wouldn't change as he could/would use his hands mostly and then whatever weapon he finds or any object that is and with that Jason would wear anything he can find which makes sense to his character as a hermit.

Walker Jason?

But wait! What if Jason becomes a walker!? what variation would he be and why? is he a threat??

By now as we know Jason would be the most dangerous in my opinion...a Climber the most deadly version of any Walker as this Jason has problems thinking intelligence, climbing abilities, and more.

He would lose his mobility/intelligence but his strength is far more potent and will give him an edge over any survivor outposts, this version of Jason due to his Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is a far tougher walker to even kill! this is one of the reasons a Walker Jason would be a myth in the walking dead universe lore like people would hold stories about a near-unkillable walker that could overpower entire camps.

WAIT! what if Jason evolves more? He becomes more like a "Roamer" and becomes familiar with his previous life? I believe that's highly possible! Jason would likely begin by grabbing a weapon and killing instead of feasting, but due to the virus, he would be relapsing back to eating flesh and so on.

Would he be a threat to the main survivors and villains? I don't believe so because a few place headshots and it's game over like any walker aka zombie in this universe, and his disease for his muscle DOESN'T mean he has a thicker skull but just more muscle density.

What if...Canon Jason Voorhees?

Well then...this is gonna be to no surprise but Jason would be his usual self that we know BUT worse! If we take into consideration the supernatural aspects then when Jason is alive in his Mid-60s, his body count would be HIGH like already 200-300+ but if we say he survived longer? It's higher and if he dies and comes back as the Revenant Zombie Jason we know and all love? well, he's unkillable...there is nothing or anyone stopping him and then he would be killing humans and walkers alike! Revenant Zombie Jason would be immortal by the very definition and with his regenerative powers? yeah, he won't be infected as the regen would kill off the virus 100% and since we know Jason would stay in New Jersey in Camp Crystal Lake if it exists there, his body counter would be just insane in terms of walkers as the walkers would likely perceive Jason as a meal too making them all fair game to him!


Jason Voorhees would be the usual self he would be a MONSTER! and as Ryan Reynolds said in Blade 3 as Hannibal King where he said: "He is born perfect and just like the great white shark, This guy has never had to evolve." It holds truth here...Jason would never need to be different and he was born perfect in the sense that he is a killing machine and doesn't have to change.

I believe firmly that Jason as a human or a walker would be trouble for anyone.
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

Age : 78
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Join Date : 2017-06-24
Location : Camp Crystal Lake

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What if Jason Voorhees was in The Walking Dead Universe? Empty Re: What if Jason Voorhees was in The Walking Dead Universe?

Post by SonofOdin6039 July 13th 2023, 10:05 am

It would be in the realm of possibility. Jason would operate with some degree of intelligence or Instinct while a attack-and-kill-on-sight walker tendency. Crossing into his territory while trying to escape the walker outbreak would make for interesting viewing
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What if Jason Voorhees was in The Walking Dead Universe? Empty Re: What if Jason Voorhees was in The Walking Dead Universe?

Post by Jason Voorhees July 14th 2023, 12:41 am

SonofOdin6039 wrote:It would be in the realm of possibility. Jason would operate with some degree of intelligence or Instinct while a attack-and-kill-on-sight walker tendency.  Crossing into his territory while trying to escape the walker outbreak would make for interesting viewing

Agreed! It would be something worth watching to be honest a horror icon in a Zombie invasion? That would be wild!
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

Age : 78
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Join Date : 2017-06-24
Location : Camp Crystal Lake

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