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was it a victim's parents in hospital in pt 4?

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was it a victim's parents in hospital in pt 4? Empty was it a victim's parents in hospital in pt 4?

Post by jasn88cubs March 12th 2023, 8:40 pm

we see as Jason is being brought in on the stretcher, we see 2 people, i assume a mom and dad, in a waiting room upset.

Do we figure it's one of the victims from pt 3 parents?
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was it a victim's parents in hospital in pt 4? Empty Re: was it a victim's parents in hospital in pt 4?

Post by ThePunisher March 13th 2023, 4:33 pm

jasn88cubs wrote:we see as Jason is being brought in on the stretcher, we see 2 people, i assume a mom and dad, in a waiting room upset.

Do we figure it's one of the victims from pt 3 parents?

It would seem to be. I think it's the most likely response. I've heard people say that it was Chris and her parents as well.

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was it a victim's parents in hospital in pt 4? Empty Re: was it a victim's parents in hospital in pt 4?

Post by jasn88cubs March 13th 2023, 4:56 pm

You know I didn't think of this till now. Could also be someone from pt 2. We don't know how far everyone traveled. They could have found a body later, i don't think Jason had them all in the shack. Though I don't know now about part 2. it would have been 3 days after? pt2 lets say thursday jason attack, friday jason gets harold and edna, saturday jason strikes, sunday jaosn goes to this would have been 3 days after pt 2, i could see it possibly being someone from pt 2 as well but I think that's more of a reach

It's funny because that girl looks like Alice with that hair style
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was it a victim's parents in hospital in pt 4? Empty Re: was it a victim's parents in hospital in pt 4?

Post by SonofOdin6039 March 16th 2023, 11:48 am

It would have for great effect if they came out of the waiting room and attacked Jason's body in their grief
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