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Terrifier 3(and 4 possibly)

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Terrifier 3(and 4 possibly) Empty Terrifier 3(and 4 possibly)

Post by Trekapedia November 6th 2022, 12:53 pm

The director who I believe is also the writer of the Terrifier movies has said there will in fact be a Terrifier 3 with the massive success of Terrifier 2. He also said he may split Terrifier 3 into 2 separate movies, 3 and 4. His reasoning is he doesn’t want to do another 2 hour and 43 minute movie. Can’t blame him since I’m sure it’s a massive deed to do a movie that long especially with the gore and prosthetics plus having to deal with the MPA ratings board is not fun from what I’ve heard.

He also claimed he was going to submit Terrifier 2 for an Academy Award. Good luck man. The Academy doesn’t look positively on horror. I felt like Halloween Kills should’ve gotten a nomination for the Loomis prosthetics and makeup. They did an awesome job with it.
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Terrifier 3(and 4 possibly) Empty Re: Terrifier 3(and 4 possibly)

Post by t8mc November 8th 2023, 2:37 pm

Terrifier is a bit much.

The first one is just so unrelentingly dark, that it's a tough watch. But the practical effects are just a work of art.

The second one is simultaneously far too gory (but in a good, practical effects kind of way again) but is tempered with a real '80s style daftness. It's a silly film. Reminds me of Elm Street 3. That said, it is really let down by the pacing. The film drags.

I'm up for a third one.

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Terrifier 3(and 4 possibly) Empty Re: Terrifier 3(and 4 possibly)

Post by Jason Voorhees December 29th 2023, 2:32 pm

I'm not the biggest fan of this series but I love Gore.
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Terrifier 3(and 4 possibly) Empty Re: Terrifier 3(and 4 possibly)

Post by ThePunisher December 29th 2023, 4:23 pm

I don't plan on watching any of the Terrifier movies to be honest. I'm not sure why, but it just doesn't appeal to me.

I agree with Trekapedia's post that horror is frowned on by the Academy Awards, and by other groups as well, notably the MPAA. The MPAA really did a number on the Friday the 13th films. I've heard that actors find it "passe" to watch horror.

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