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Copyright infringement

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Copyright infringement Empty Copyright infringement

Post by ThePunisher October 21st 2022, 2:53 pm

Have any of you heard about the possibility of a copyright infringement on the movie tile Friday the 13th? Victor Miler used that as a working title but wanted to use Long night at Camp Blood. Cunningham wanted to use Friday the 13th, and he got it done that way, with the logo that we've come to know
and love- the block letters breaking through a pane of glass.

Someone found out about a movie called Friday the 13th: the Orphan, about a little boy who had dreams he thought made him commit murder.

Have you heard about this?

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Copyright infringement Empty Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Jason Voorhees October 22nd 2022, 6:11 pm

Never heard anything about this.
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Copyright infringement Empty Re: Copyright infringement

Post by I'm Not a Goalie October 22nd 2022, 7:11 pm

From what I can find, it looks like Cunningham and his team negotiated with the producers of this film to use the Friday the 13th Title (bought the title essentially) negating the potential for any copyright or legal issues. This movie is so obscure it doesn't even have it's own Wikipedia page, and it's hard to find anything on it even with a google search. What you can find, comes up as 'The Orphan' 1979, so it looks like that deal also included this film dropping the Friday the 13th moniker from the title.
I'm Not a Goalie
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Copyright infringement Empty Re: Copyright infringement

Post by ThePunisher October 23rd 2022, 10:44 am

I'm Not a Goalie wrote:From what I can find, it looks like Cunningham and his team negotiated with the producers of this film to use the Friday the 13th Title (bought the title essentially) negating the potential for any copyright or legal issues. This movie is so obscure it doesn't even have it's own Wikipedia page, and it's hard to find anything on it even with a google search. What you can find, comes up as 'The Orphan' 1979, so it looks like that deal also included this film dropping the Friday the 13th moniker from the title.

The part I find funny was that a movie called Orphan came out in 2009. I guess there might be times when movie titles sort of "bump into" one another? Or maybe just coincidential.

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Copyright infringement Empty Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Jason Voorhees October 23rd 2022, 10:03 pm

I'm Not a Goalie wrote:From what I can find, it looks like Cunningham and his team negotiated with the producers of this film to use the Friday the 13th Title (bought the title essentially) negating the potential for any copyright or legal issues. This movie is so obscure it doesn't even have it's own Wikipedia page, and it's hard to find anything on it even with a google search. What you can find, comes up as 'The Orphan' 1979, so it looks like that deal also included this film dropping the Friday the 13th moniker from the title.

Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Copyright infringement Empty Re: Copyright infringement

Post by Trekapedia October 30th 2022, 4:11 am

If I remember the Crystal Lake Memories book, they brought that up and said something like Sean and others negotiated a deal and any hassles were dropped. Like The Punisher said earlier, it seems like the movie that originally used the title back in the day has stopped using it and just calls itself The Orphan.

It could also be something like The Orphan that had Friday The 13th for its title maybe didn’t copyright “Friday The 13th” so they didn’t give Sean and his crew too much of a hassle.

Then again, it could be Sean and the folks outright bought the rights to use the title. It may be one of those things we may never know due to the lawsuit between Sean and Victor.
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