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Halloween Ends

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Halloween Ends Empty Re: Halloween Ends

Post by Jason Voorhees November 3rd 2022, 11:15 am

OCT 31 1978 wrote:Halloween ENDS
A summary / review of the movie trilogy with my thoughts and Opinions…..
…..Spoilers……many ahead be warned……

(((Ok so the film has come and gone……you either love it or absolutely hate it…this isn’t going to be a review that looks down on anyone who likes the film, if you like it or love it that’s great! These are my opinions and how I feel about this 44 year old franchise and the legacy this film is living off of and the new trilogy as a whole.

I Love Halloween it’s by far my favorite horror franchise each new movie is an event for me…. I don’t mind the different time lines and choose your own adventure style of the franchise…. I can follow along with them just fine…..I have favorites from all the different timelines.
Halloween and Halloween II 1981 are my favorite films in the franchise by far.
I did really enjoy Halloween 2018 and KILLS both had some issues but overall I enjoyed them  ……..But this film had me scratching my head with its decisions it’s themes and directions it wanted to go in….all of which completely contradicted the two films before it…..

It left me very Disappointed …. It felt pretentious…..and was down right deceptive….I didn’t watch trailers  for Halloween 2018, Halloween KILLS or Halloween ENDS….I hate when a trailer gives away some of the best parts of a movie….so I watch them after I watch the movie …..watching the trailer after seeing the movie was the most deceitful marketing I have ever seen compared to the final film…..this movie felt like it went against the grain to subvert expectations just to say it did……not because these were the best story decisions that could be done with these characters but just to say we tried something completely different……and I could have gotten behind something completely different if it didn’t contradict the narratives of the past two films and it started with these new themes and new ideas from the get go..….not in the final film of a trilogy…..that was billed as the Final showdown between Myers and Laurie which we did get but felt shoehorned into this final film.

In case you didn’t notice….lol I fall in the Hated it group…

The words  “Why this story ?” just will not leave my mind….why the time Jump, why did Characters that had invested storylines in the last two movies get sidelined and made brief cameo appearances?

Where was the resolutions for the characters introduced in the first and second films?

Linsey,  Hawkins,  Allyson and Michael Myers storyline in this Chapter is a complete letdown for me.
Linsey relegated to cameo appearances….that could have easily not even been in the film and wouldn’t have changed anything in the “story” it focuses on…..

Allyson and Myers to me are written horribly …..Allyson easily Manipulated against her Grandmother by someone she just meets….after what Laurie and Allyson had been through this was completely unbelievable Laurie is the only person That can completely understand what She is going through.
As for Michael Myers he is no longer The Shape he is made into a sickly “Man in a Halloween Mask” carving the image of his mask into stone for the last 4 years….who is literally pushed aside for the new young Serial Killer to be Corey.
I have seen arguments that say “ Well Myers was in the film for longer than he was in the Original” … me that reinforces all the disappointment I have for this entry…….it’s all in what you are doing with the character not how long they are on screen…..Michael’s presence is felt throughout the original it is pronounced and impactful ……and he is on screen for 9 minutes and 37 seconds….. his on screen presence in Ends tallying in at 10 minutes 55 seconds makes you ask yourself where is Michael…….he is completely absent for the majority of the film….his presence isn’t truly felt till the climax of the film during his fight with Laurie… Myers pov shots , no tracking shots, No split second appearances…..the choice to put Corey Cunningham’s story and transition him into the “New Boogeyman” front and center in ENDS regardless of the direct links of him doing some of the things Michael did in the original, the lurking stalking and Killing significantly reduces the presence and impact of Michael Myers… by the time you realize Myers is in Laurie’s house at the climax of the film all of the fear, presence and impact of the character is already gone.

Hawkins was introduced in the the 2018 film as the arresting officer of Michael Myers, Frank would naturally have some guilt if Myers would then escape to kill again…… even though we find out he was actually released not so much escaping……In KILLS they expand Franks Story and importance to the story during the capture of Myers in an entire Flashback scene that puts a whole new perspective on the situation….he not only is the arresting officer he is the only one who wants to arrest Myers  because Frank accidentally killed his own partner while Michael was trying to murder him and blame’s himself for not killing Myers when he had the chance……ENDS does Frank so dirty as he is relegated to a comedic relief character….

Linsey is re-introduced in KILLS in a very positive way we leave her in HMH wondering what’s next for her character…….ENDS give us a Linsey tarot card reading bartender… two very minor throwaway cameo scenes ….It didn’t even need to be Linsey in these scenes to move this story along….

I have watched the film twice….. and the second will no doubt be the last time for a long long time….
The Allyson and Corey relationship seems so forced, awkward and unbelievable….I get he is the Town outcast because Michael has disappeared but it seems like they wrote Allyson into trying to make something out of nothing between them.
There is also a strange awkwardness  Between Frank and Laurie’s that is played up for a laugh, your telling me in 4 years Frank and Laurie, after what they have been through can barely have a conversation without studding through it…….please…. that’s just bad writing.
The entire film feels like 3 to 4 different movies rolled into one with scattered themes and ideas incoherently executed……finally the production looks cheap compared to the last Two films ……..
so if you’ve made it through this far of my post…sorry it only gets longer from here….read on for my summary of the movie and thoughts ….)))

Halloween ENDS….. title credits begin…

(((The moment the film started I knew they were paying homage to Halloween 3…. I like Halloween 3 so the beginning credits didn’t bother me at all…..what followed is a whole other story…..)))

The Film starts in 2019 and We are introduced to Corey and the family of the little boy he is babysitting….. and their son Jeremy who is kind of a dick….
Corey accidentally kills the boy when he locks Corey in the attic while he is searching for him Corey kicks the door open which knocks the boy over a 3 story railing…..and we then jump forward another 4 years.

((( I was actually Hoping that Myers was going to be the one to kill the boy and make it look like it was Corey, which could have been an interesting way to have Corey have a fascination with Myers but that wasn’t the direction they decided to go.)))

Any way in 2022 Myers hasn’t been seen for 4 years the Myers house has been torn down the people of Haddonfield blame Laurie for Michaels rampage…..however during those years that Michael has been gone there have been missing people, murders and suicides in Haddonfield all this time….the town is living in despair.
Laurie who lost her daughter to Michael Myers at the end of KILLS has moved on from all of that and is writing a memoir about Myers, and how she survived her Boogeyman.

((( I am sorry but getting behind the idea of celebrating Halloween festivities…….hmmmm Don’t buy this for a second…..not for any reason or with any kind of treatment of “trama” could I ever begin to celebrate a Holiday that my daughter was murdered on…..let alone from the same Man who attempted to kill me 40 years prior who feeds on the fear that he creates on that Day…… the movie doesn’t spend any time to address the loss of Karen for Laurie and we get a small scene of Laurie giving Allyson her parents wedding bands…..and a  shot of Karen’s hand printing on the wall of Laurie’s home….so let’s move on….just like the film does…..)))

Allyson is a nurse/ medical assistant at Haddonfield Memorial Hospital for Dr. Mathis  a character mentioned in KILLS.
Laurie meets the town Pariah Corey who is being bullied by High schoolers…Band student High schoolers….he breaks a chocolate milk glass bottle and cuts his hand on a broken pieces when shoved to the ground by one of the Bullies.

((( Bullying is real and sucks and if you have ever read a news article in this day and age Bullying can lead to school shootings and killings …..however this isn’t a very original idea from the film makers of ENDS …….Rob Zombie experimented with this theme as well it did didn’t work well in that Halloween either….

I am sure Corey doesn’t want any more trouble with the law but come on self defense isn’t the same as aggravated manslaughter……
The bullying theme was also addressed in Kills with Tommy and Lonnie becoming friends after being Tommy’s bully when they were kids but apparently we needed to revisit it again to show everyone that society creates monsters…. Or society is the real monster not sure, don’t even think the film knows what they are going for either.)))

Laurie introduces Corey to Allyson and sparks go flying…..we get scenes with Allyson asking Corey out and Laurie aggressively yelling about showing grief your tits that just cuts away immediately from the scene not showing Linsey or Allyson’s  reaction which I would imagine would have been pretty humorous…..

(((There is several scenes that just end through out the movie like the one above…..the junkyard “I came to see you scene”…..the “I killed someone scene”…. they seem edited extremely poorly….with out the time they need to breath and impact the characters and us the viewer.

The whole love story is where they fail Allyson’s character for me the most …..Allyson’s Mom, Dad and Boyfriend were killed by Myers…..she should have become a very different character in this film more like Laurie was in 2018 preparing for anything or down right hunting Michael down on her own if need be…..this broken, missing a part of herself shell of a character is a step backwards from the stronger character she was shown as in 2018 and KILLS.)))

Corey and Allyson go to a dance party where they cut loose and have a good time together that gets spoiled by Corey bumping into the boys Mom he accidentally killed she blows up on him and he runs off telling Allyson she can’t fix him he is looked at as a monster and she is seen as a survivor…..

((( This Bar Dancing sequence gave me H2 Zombieween vibes……it felt longer then it was needed to be and weird… made the Allyson and Corey’s situation even more ridiculous….Allyson trying so hard to get Corey to reciprocate her affections towards him……and him pushing away because he feels he deserves to be miserable.)))

We get another Band Kids bullying scene that leads up to the first Myers appearance……
And the reveal of what one of the 4 writers of the story were going for that bullying, being an asshole or evil is contagious or in this films case is infectious….
Michael drags Cory into his sewer lair after the band bullies throw a knife Wielding Corey off a bridge………Michael who is hiding in a hole at the entrance of the sewer grabs Corey by the neck as he is making his way out and ……….possibly reads his mind or breathes his evil into him but they lock eyes and evil makes a friend….

((( So the Entire time Michael was holding Corey by the neck I was preying please don’t do this….. don’t do the pass the Evil into him because you are dying angle ……now I kinda wish they did….. because this scene  plays out like Michael was able to see into Corey’s memories of what happened to him in 2019 being bullied meeting Laurie and Allyson and released him because he could feel the same Evil in him or decided to use him to get to Laurie and Allyson ….I just don’t know.)))

Corey is released from Michael’s grasp and leaves the Sewer entrance kills a Homeless Man who wants Myers’ Mask and wonders why Corey is alive when others that Michael has taken have been killed……the homeless man flashes Corey’s knife and try’s to force him into the sewer entrance Corey then physically struggles with the homeless man and stabs him to death with it….Corey freaked out returns home and is grilled about his whereabouts by his overbearing mother…..he then heads to Laurie and Allyson’s Home where Laurie gets a creepy feeling and looks out the window to see Corey standing behind a bush similarly to Michael Myers in the original.
Corey through the breath of evil or eye to eye contact is being infected with and showing signs of the same Evil that Laurie saw in Michael.

(((Passing the Evil in Michael has been touched on in the Franchise and in my opinion definitely been handled better then what we are getting here so far I wish they had had Corey already Copycat Killing as Myers for the last few years on Halloween instead of the way it was done in the span of a few days the concept of Evil infecting another is a strong concept but felt really rushed going this last film ….even with Corey getting the majority of the story and screen time in this last film it could have been fleshed out even better over two movies.))))

The Monster detector in Laurie starts to obsess over the evil she is noticing in Corey telling Lindsey about it and even going over to Corey’s home and talk to his mother.

(((From here Things go from weird to batshit crazy…..
How does Laurie go from a strong kickass survivor Who prepared for 40 years for Michael’s return who told others that They better believe in The Boogeyman to a person who can’t handle people who try to blame her for the Things Michael Myers has done…..for Fuck sake what a complete reversal of this character.)))

Corey takes Allyson to the abandoned home of the Family of the kid he accidentally killed we meet Allyson’s 40+ year old Ex  Officer Mulaney who happens to be fairly aggressive in wanting to continue a relationship with Allyson…

(((Officer Mulaney continues a strange trend of looking down on Police that these last 3 films have been doing……The Sheriff in 2018, Hawkins in KILLS and now the Mulaney Bully Cop in ENDS this is pretty irritating that not one police officer is shown in a positive light.)))

Corey asks Allyson for a second chance to work on their supposed relationship….they go for a walk and eventually visit the abandoned home of the family of the kid he accidentally killed….

((( This is an incredibly Creepy and Morbid thing to do for both of them and the conversation they are having seems to just end before it should.)))

They go to a local Diner and go so far as to have a conversation about Burning Haddonfield down to the ground and Corey lighting the Match ….

(((Actual Dialogue…. Allyson in this same Scene says she doesn’t want to leave Haddonfield because all of her memories are here… and yet….stated that she wants to burn it all down……very well written.)))

Corey gets into an shouting argument and stare down with Allyson’s  Ex he then takes Allyson home and notices Officer Mulaney is follow him he leads him to Myers Sewer Lair……where we all know what’s to follow at this point but what we get is another…Michael attacks Mulaney however he is pushed off quite easily …….the reveal of Myers shows us that he appears in a rather Decrepit and weakened state compared to where we last saw him.
Corey helps Myers by assaulting the Officer with his flashlight and proceeded to yell at Michael to get up and show him how to do it….Michael struggles to his feet and reaches for his knife and stabs Mulaney several times as Corey holds him… each time he stab him it reinvigorates him slightly…. He Stands up right shaking with euphoria….. Corey then leaves the tunnel and heads to Allyson and Laurie’s home….where he returns with more cuts and scrapes from the scuffle with Officer Mulaney…..telling Allyson he doesn’t know what’s happening to him….she interprets that as he can’t control his feelings for her anymore and they have sex….Michael follows him from the sewer where he sees Laurie for the first time in 4 years….he moves just as she turns in his direction.

(((So let’s unpack this…..We now have Michael stalking Laurie and Allyson on purpose…..interesting…….the last two films went out of their way in its narrative to tell us Laurie isn’t important to him that he was brought to her and isn’t after her as Karen and Laurie thought in 2018…….well that’s out the window along with him needing to get to his sisters window I guess….And so is the Supernatural Aspect of the Character from Halloween KILLS…..apparently they decided a Myers who was powerful enough to slaughter 12 firefighters, 10 Haddonfield mob members and Karen Strode was now a Decrepit weakened Old Man Hiding in a sewer….. his injuries were not an issue for him in the original Film or the 2018 film or it’s sequel……. I have read arguments that state….”Michael is 65 years old…. He was Malnourished….living in a sewer…..He was injured from the mob”…….NONE of those arguments apply to The Shape……Michael Myers killed his sister when he was 6…. He lifted teenagers one handed by the throat, he ate dogs when he got hungry….he was stabbed in the neck, eye, chest and he survived 6 gunshot wounds and fell off a second floor balcony and Got up and walked away… the Flashback in this very trilogy they showed him not hurt at all from those wounds…… 40 years later he “Escapes” ( Released is more like it)….in 2018 he was shot multiple times his fingers blasted off was set on fire….and seemed just fine at the beginning of KILLS…. In fact he seemed even more powerful ……In KILLS the Mob shoot him  beat him and he is stabbed in the upper back near his neck and came back like nothing even happened…….slaughtered them all and then appears behind Karen and kills her…this is quite a Supernatural being we are talking about.

“Why now”
Why after 4 years is he this way …..the only explanation is their isn’t one that actually makes sense..…..he should have been just as weak or even weaker in Smith’s Grove if they were going with the more he Kills the more he Transcends or grows more powerful? It’s another contradiction… the growing list.)))))

Ok so the film moves on with the love story Allyson is being driven away from her Grandmother who is now feeling the same Evil presence in Corey  that she felt in Michael insert tug of war for Allyson here…..Allyson doesn’t  get a promotion at work because the other assistant is sleeping with Dr. Mathis….

(((Allyson is especially written badly here like she can’t see what’s in front of her….the audience sees her continuing to meet up with Corey who looks worse and worse every time she sees him she is written incredible naively…and they have completely taking away any of the strong and driven qualities she exhibited in the First two movies.)))

So now we get our second team up of Corey in his scarecrow mask and Michael Myers killing together…..they go to Dr. Mathis’s House and Kill him and the medical Assistant who got the Promotion over Allyson Corey kills the Doctor and chases the Assistant into the house where Michael appears and murders her in a homage to Bob’s death in the 1978 original …..even going as far as making sure Corey is watching as he kills her.

(((Ummmmm Why? Why did they want to kill them other than to kill another two people that were assholes in the movie? Seems like everyone who is an Asshole gets Killed Jeremy the asshole kid, dead, the Homeless asshole dead, Officer Asshole dead… Dr. Asshole and Nurse Asshole…….. What I am curious about is How did Corey get Michael to go with him or did Michael just follow him to the place….. it explains nothing and for something so out of character and batshit crazy of an idea it needed more explanation but Nah….. this movie likes writing people out of Character.)))

We then get an Allyson and Corey motorcycle music montage…..
They head to the WURG 94.9 radio tower…..Corey tells Allyson he wants to leave Haddonfield but not alone……
The two are recognized by Willy the Kid the DJ who has more lines in the movie than Lindsey and Hawkins…. he insults the both of them…….coming off as quite the asshole….

((( You know what that means he is definitely going to die.)))

Corey notices Laurie watching them from her car…….
Corey returns home to be berated by his mother who slaps him across the face telling him to leave because of him being Around Allyson every night and she then tries to kiss him on the mouth.

((( Yuck is this really necessary.))

Corey leaves his home on Halloween Eve and spends the night at the abandoned Allen family home sleeping on the spot where Jeremy Died….he is awakened by Laurie …
They talk about Evil, and Laurie tells him to leave Allyson alone.

(((Maybe…. not sure if this is in his head or Laurie actually confronted him.)))

He calls Allyson and tells her they need to leave tonight and that Laurie wants to Kill Him.
He then decides to finally light that match and burn Haddonfield down to the ground… order to do that he needs something……Michael’s Mask he rushes to the sewer lair and begins wrestling with Myers Corey wrestles Myers to the ground telling him “you are just a man in a Halloween mask.”  He takes the mask off of him and leaves asking “ what are you going to do now?” Myers then does his classic sit up and head turn.

((( So this was the scene that made me sit up pause the movie and contemplate turning it off…. Michael Myers bullied by a 21 year old beaten and forced to the ground and had his mask taken from him….The same Michael who in his last scene raised a woman one handed by the throat …..the same Myers who slaughtered over 30 people in the last film….And then the Audacity of the film makers to have him sit up and turn his head … making one of Myers most chilling moments in past films played for a laugh…. This is Just disrespectful.)))

So Corey taunts the Band Bullies by scratching Psycho into the head bullies cars hood
They follow him to the Junkyard Garage.
All the while Allyson prepares to leave Haddonfield… Laurie confronts Allyson about leaving with Corey Laurie tries to warn her about Corey but Allyson is too far onto the dark path with Corey she isn’t capable of seeing the threat.

((( Allyson is so completely out of Character in the film she is blaming Laurie for the losses in her life…. This is so removed from the Allyson of 2018 and KILLS who tried to build a relationship with her Grandmother and wanted to protect her in KILLS….. now she is written like all the idiots of Haddonfield who Blame Laurie for Michael’s rampage…….just ridiculous.)))

Endowed with The Shapes mask now Corey-Myers goes on the Killing spree he has been slowly building towards…..He murders the Band Bullies at the Junkyard, his Mother, Willy the Kid and plans to end his Spree by Killing Laurie Strode so that He and Allyson can be free to be together.

((( Ok let’s talk about what happens when Corey becomes the Michael Myers that Haddonfield created….he Kills the Asshole Bullies that come to the Junkyard, Ronald who is not an Asshole is killed Accidentally, Corey goes to the Radio tower and kills the DJ’s Assistant and Willy the Kid……This kill irritated me the way it’s edited how quickly he has the scissors ready to cut his tongue…they should have had him smash his face look down at his face see his tongue dangling look and  see the scissors pick them up and cut it off…..instead it’s done for a laugh the way the record player skips over the cut off tongue….I am glad this wasn’t a Real Myers kill because it definitely didn’t feel like a kill that belongs in a Halloween movie.)))

Allyson heads to the Diner to meet Corey who doesn’t show up…. She try’s to contact him and find him at his home to no avail….Corey sneaks into Laurie’s home where he follows her upstairs and believes he witnesses her committing suicide…. He moves in to see….only to find Laurie prepared for him firing two shots he falls back into the railing and down to the first floor Laurie tells him to kill her so that Allyson will see him for what he is… he hears Allyson’s Vehicle arrive and decides to Stab himself in the neck to make it look like Laurie killed him and forever separate Laurie and Allyson.

Allyson comes in to see Laurie Pulling the knife out of Corey and Blames her for Killing him and leaves…. Laurie distraught over Allyson abandoning her notices that the Back door is open Michael has arrived and takes his mask and knife back after snapping Corey’s neck Laurie and Michael fight in the kitchen of her home… Laurie gets the upper hand and pins Michael down stabs him, removes his mask slits his throat and wrist bleeding him out…. Michael makes a last ditch effort to kill Laurie ripping his hand free and attempting to strangle her… she decides not to fight as she begins to gasp Allyson arrives heroically snatching Michael’s hand away and breaking his arm.
As she was driving away she saw the radio tower ablaze and got a call from Hawkins about a suicide call from Laurie….

(((Thank goodness…..sarcasm Did Corey really think that lame ass plan was going to work eventually Allyson would have found out he murdered all those people and tried to do the same to Laurie…. What lazy writing. )))

Hawkins and the Police arrive Allyson and Laurie decided to parade Michael’s corpse around all over Haddonfield to the Junkyard where they destroy his body in a scrap metal shredding machine… that the Haddonfield town folk can start to heal and move on knowing Michael Is finally gone forever.
In the days that follow Laurie reconciles with Allyson who decides to Leave Haddonfield Laurie finishes her memoir and can see herself having a future with Frank.

End credits.

((( Well a lot happens in the last 15 minutes of this movie… the return of Myers before the final Showdown with Laurie lacks any impact after he was Emasculated by Corey in the last scene…. Even reclaiming his mask and struggling with a near dead  Corey for  his knife doesn’t help the situation at all.
The fight between Laurie and Michael was Underwhelming and the entire Sequence felt shoehorned in…. The return of Allyson at the last minute after being written out of character for the entire movie felt like a cop out and played out extremely dodgy……her Line of “not dead enough.”  Felt completely unearned….she didn’t believe her Grandmother and blamed her for the tragedy that she went through.

Hawkins had little to nothing to do in this film but look sad,shocked,or smile as cute as he could for the women he was smitten with….

Linsey does nothing but provide a scene for Laurie to speak with another person to help verify what we already know about Corey.

Michael Myers losses all the mystic of his character and should have just been Killed at the End of Halloween KILLS and additional Corey should have been introduced in KILLS and They should have had Myers Kill the Kid he was babysitting in front of him and Corey didn’t do anything to stop it very similar to the scene with Myers killing the Nurse in ENDS that Corey watches the family and Haddonfield folk would still blame him for doing nothing to save their boy which still allows him to be the “Psycho” misfit, that moment of seeing Michael Kill the boy would be the Crack in Corey’s psyche that ENDS would then have built on having the Evil of Myers slowly infect Corey and the Evil changes Shape literally.
There would have been way more things they could have done with Myers allowing him to keep his mystic, and impactful presence….. Corey could have seen Myers in his mind behind bushes in mirrors in the shadows around any corner truly tormenting him ….to become “ The Shape” they could have had scenes where they showed Myers killing people in front of Corey like his Bullies but it is Corey actually doing the Killing the whole time…..till finally on Halloween the “infection” takes hold and he goes Full Myers…..the whole story would have played out better with him slowly intertwining himself into the Strodes ladies Lives as they moved on if Michael was actually Dead not missing……it actually would have made more sense For them to be finally starting a new life for themselves…..Myers-Free.

Halloween 2018 was great with minor issues but the sequels just didn’t feel like the Film makers had a plan after it from what we got it seems like they put everything they had into 2018 and didn’t know where to go with this the rest of the “Saga”…..The sequels films both had great ideas that should have been expanded on or explained better…..I still don’t know if Michael used Corey as a pawn to separate the Strode women or if he was stalking Laurie? or Corey? at the End…….was Laurie important to him? or was he important to her?…was he the Boogeyman? or just a man in a Halloween mask?……unfortunately for me when it comes to this Trilogy It didn’t END with Myers being The Shape that he is supposed to be.)))
Whoa this is a massive and entertaining review! I thought you were making a seperate post but jeeeez! And I definitely agree with the final statement that Michael wasnt the Shape we were suppose to see for the final act!
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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OCT 31 1978 and Trekapedia also liked this post!

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Halloween Ends Empty Re: Halloween Ends

Post by Trekapedia November 6th 2022, 12:42 pm

ThePunisher wrote:
Trekapedia wrote:I doubt it’s the end of the franchise though. They’re reportedly planning some sort of tv series on Peacock and we have the 50th anniversary in a few years. They’ll do something. Just hope they take their time and do a good job.

In your opinion, what would be a "good job"?

I guess something like the original or the 2018 would qualify for me as a good job.
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Halloween Ends Empty Re: Halloween Ends

Post by OCT 31 1978 November 6th 2022, 2:16 pm

Trekapedia wrote:
ThePunisher wrote:
Trekapedia wrote:I doubt it’s the end of the franchise though. They’re reportedly planning some sort of tv series on Peacock and we have the 50th anniversary in a few years. They’ll do something. Just hope they take their time and do a good job.

In your opinion, what would be a "good job"?

I guess something like the original or the 2018 would qualify for me as a good job.

Yep, and anything that doesn’t contradict themes and stories or disregard characters set up for some type of resolution in two previous sequels….that would be good.

At this point the franchise needs time to morn from the loss that ENDs brings….

Another time line reboot will be the most likely on the 50th anniversary…… I for one want a return to the original timeline with Jamie Lloyd….Or would also love a series of Films that continue the franchise without a specific timeline reboot……it could reference many different plot points from the past films in news articles or through the characters talking about years ago he came back to kills his sister or niece…..etc. I want a return of the Hunter of the original with a Dr. Loomis type of character or a relative of a former victim who wants to find or kill Myers….like family members of Annie Brackett and Lynda …or Loomis I read a script for a Halloween movie called Halloween Returns that had Deputy Hunt from Halloween II and his Daughter in it, that had some cool ideas in it…… even a story that featured Lindsay and Tommy in the future could be interesting…..What I don’t want to see anymore is a Storyline involving Jamie Lee Curtis and Laurie Stode…. This series has become all about her and it’s time for the Strode saga to be over and move on.

OCT 31 1978
OCT 31 1978
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Halloween Ends Empty Re: Halloween Ends

Post by Dragonfire82877 November 27th 2022, 9:47 am

Okay, I watched it. Initial reaction was anger. How could they do Mike like that? After letting it marinate for a few hours, I actually think I liked the movie. I can’t stand the way the did Mike. One thing doesn’t make sense to me though. It looked as though the torch was being passed. Then it looks like they said, never mind, we aren’t going that route. I think the movie would have been a lot better if the evil would have been passed in a sense that, after they destroyed Myers body, a cut seen to Corey sitting up like Myers used to do after you thought he was down for the count.

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Halloween Ends Empty Re: Halloween Ends

Post by OCT 31 1978 November 27th 2022, 3:30 pm

Dragonfire82877 wrote:Okay, I watched it. Initial reaction was anger. How could they do Mike like that? After letting it marinate for a few hours, I actually think I liked the movie. I can’t stand the way the did Mike. One thing doesn’t make sense to me though. It looked as though the torch was being passed. Then it looks like they said, never mind, we aren’t going that route. I think the movie would have been a lot better if the evil would have been passed in a sense that, after they destroyed Myers body, a cut seen to Corey sitting up like Myers used to do after you thought he was down for the count.

Yeah, they brought in new themes and only went half in… either completely commit or don’t go that route…. The sad part is Myers didn’t need to be made a bitch in his own movie to go this route…. That’s where I take exception to the entire premise.

I wouldn’t have been against Evil passing on or taking a new Shape if It felt more organic Myers should have died at the End of 2018 Or it appeared like he did…..Laurie, Allyson and Karen could have then actually moved on…. In a way that made sense especially with the threat of Michael being dead not still out there…. The second film could have introduced Corey and his fall to becoming the next Shape…. It even could have played similar to Ends with Michael hurt or in hiding after surviving the Fire and passing his evil on to him or possessing him in some way where Michael torments him in his mind with vision of kill those around him to push Corey into that role and using Him to “regain” his strength..….Michael could have returned at the end killing Karen……the Third film should have been all out Chaos with the return of Myers fully like he was in KILLS and the town Hunting him down as he is rampaging through the town Laurie and Allyson and Frank and the town folk then then finally kill him.

But that is just not what we got……what we got in ENDs is a Laurie and Allyson and Myers written completely out of character….focusing on a forced love story and half in Theme of Evil passing on……it was so sad because even when Myers returns by the end of the film his impact is severely weakened because of what they did with him throughout the rest of the film…. Decrepit weak and made a bitch of by a 21 year old who was bullied by High school Band Geeks……. I mean seriously why this fucking story???? As it sits now Ends is my least Favorite in the series and that says a lot.

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Halloween Ends Empty Re: Halloween Ends

Post by Jason Voorhees November 28th 2022, 9:36 am

I agree! They definitely should have either...

A.) Michael still lives as a literal supernatural force.

B.) Got a New "Shape" to continue the Terror.

C.) Give Michael Myers the Shape himself a Friday the 13th Part 6 treatment and revive him as a Zombie Slasher!
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