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tired movie cliches

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tired movie cliches Empty tired movie cliches

Post by ThePunisher September 30th 2022, 10:02 am

Here are some tired movie cliches. Should these be retired? Can you thin k of any others that have worn out their welcome?

1) The exes get back together- Who knew all it would take was an Earth menacing asteroid to get back with your ex? Or maybe you and your ex are on a twister chasing team and need to find The Big One before you marry your current Significant Other, and then realize you can't live without your ex? Or was it the fleet of alien spacecraft that showed up that made you want to get your ex out of town before the invasion started? Why did you even bother breaking up in the first place?

2) The hero's hidden back story- the hero is ALWAYS running from his past while he's saving everyone else when he comes out of retirement.

3) Stopping the Big Boom - they always manage to cut the wire with exactly 0:01 left on the clock. Now, is it the red wire or the blue one?????

4) Tripping when running - how come the teenager/college student ALWAYS finds the one thing sticking out of the ground to trip on while running away from the masked maniac?

5) Saying " hello " when you hear a noise in a dark room - what's gonna happen here? Will The Psycho say, " Hey, it's me. I'll make us some food and grab a couple beers. We'll hang out."????? Seriously?????

6) Smoking dope and getting busy- we all KNOW what this one's about don't we?

What tired old cliches can YOU think of????

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tired movie cliches Empty Re: tired movie cliches

Post by OCT 31 1978 October 1st 2022, 1:07 pm

I love a good Cliché lol including all the ones you just listed…..
A good cliché is like your favorite jeans they just feel good.

As for ones that I am tired of I would have to say I am pretty tired of these new ones in every established Franchise forcing in a Mary Sue who is better at everything compared to the existing original established character…… that’s one I am definitely over.
OCT 31 1978
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tired movie cliches Empty Re: tired movie cliches

Post by SonofOdin6039 October 1st 2022, 3:04 pm

This is a good topic. I'll start with firearms. I've lost count of how many times I've watched a show and counted the number of shots fired that exceeded the guns capability. About 95% of revolvers have a six shot cylinder, and I've seen those miracle guns blast out 10 or more bullets without reloading. Second, when a semiautomatic pistol runs out of ammo, the slide will lock back. You release the empty magazine, put in a fresh one, and the slide will move forward to take the top round from the new mag upon release. I've shook my head so many times when the tension builds as the hero or heroine pulls on the trigger and nothing...oops out ammo. And finally, when you use a pump action shotgun, I know the sound of the slide is cool and menacing, but they keep doing it for effect, and what that's does is eject the shell if it's not fired. That slays me. In every horror movie, it's amazing how the victims always find themselves in a no cell service area or their battery is dead. In today's society, a cell phone charger and internet connection is more vital than a bottle of water or a full tank of gas. I love how cars will never start when needed, and those that do are usually driven by a panicked woman who manage to crash into the first stationary object in sight. Now, don't get me wrong, there are bad male drivers , too, but it's usually women who wreck the getaway car. I adore the fairer sex and love a good final girl who makes you want to sweep in and save the day for her when she's finally cornered. I get tired of boobs showing for no reason other than to add them in. Sex scenes and skinny dipping I can understand, but to just have a girl take her top off just to splash her boobs takes away some of the involvement. Shower scenes, too. If you have a female victim caught in the shower, either kill her or have to do something other than just walk around. It's demeaning to women and Odin knows I don't wish to see some dude walking around with his dingus flapping in the wind, so let the ladies cover up or at least die with some dignity. And finally, why do they always run upstairs or to the basement when there's doors or windows available. Just my input
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tired movie cliches Empty Re: tired movie cliches

Post by Jason Voorhees October 2nd 2022, 8:28 am

Cliches are nice but when there is too many obvious ones it gets very stale...

So many times its the "Druggy Comedian" or "Not so tough Jock" and its always something that doesnt bring new audience!!
Jason Voorhees
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