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Rest In Peace Bob Saget

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Rest In Peace Bob Saget Empty Rest In Peace Bob Saget

Post by Jason Voorhees January 9th 2022, 11:47 pm

Rest In Peace Bob Saget Img_2030
Robert "Bob" Lane Saget was an American stand-up comedian, actor, and television host. His acting roles included Danny Tanner on the ABC sitcom Full House and its Netflix sequel Fuller House, and the voice of narrator Ted Mosby on the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother. -Source: Wikipedia

The Sheriff's Department and the fire department had responded to the hotel around 4 PM ET ... after hotel security had found Bob in his room. We're told he was pronounced dead on the scene, but the circumstances of his death are still unclear. -Source: TMZ

Those who grew up watching him and his sitcoms would know how saddening to hear that another childhood creator is gone so from me and to his family, his costars, and from many other fans of his work may he rest in peace.
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Rest In Peace Bob Saget Empty Re: Rest In Peace Bob Saget

Post by Jasonvoorhees13th January 10th 2022, 12:17 am

That's sad worse than betsy palmers and Wes cravens death

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Rest In Peace Bob Saget Empty Re: Rest In Peace Bob Saget

Post by jasn88cubs January 10th 2022, 7:00 am

He was my tv dad

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Rest In Peace Bob Saget Empty Re: Rest In Peace Bob Saget

Post by OCT 31 1978 January 10th 2022, 12:33 pm

RIP Bob…. you were the all time greatest TV dad and a fantastic stand up Comedian
OCT 31 1978
OCT 31 1978
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Rest In Peace Bob Saget Empty Re: Rest In Peace Bob Saget

Post by Trekapedia January 10th 2022, 8:17 pm

I’m still shocked that he’s gone. My friends and I were hoping it was a death hoax but then the announcement by the police department proved it was true. Gonna miss seeing him on tv and equally sad is now he and Norm MacDonald from Dirty Work, an underrated classic to me, are both gone. R.I.P.
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Rest In Peace Bob Saget Empty Re: Rest In Peace Bob Saget

Post by Fair Play January 11th 2022, 5:22 pm

We're losing a lot of TV greats, and the year has just begun.

The most heartbreaking loss was Betty White, from last year.
Fair Play

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