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Jason's father

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Jason's father Empty Jason's father

Post by ThePunisher February 18th 2023, 11:41 am

What would be (or should have been) a cool way to introduce Jason's father in true Friday the 13th fashion? I've heard about something being cut or implied with the cemetery groundskeeper in Jason Lives.

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Jason's father Empty Re: Jason's father

Post by I'm Not a Goalie February 18th 2023, 2:06 pm

ThePunisher wrote:What would be (or should have been) a cool way to introduce Jason's father in true Friday the 13th fashion? I've heard about something being cut or implied with the cemetery groundskeeper in Jason Lives.

Yep, I believe he was supposed to be shown standing over Jason's grave knowing it was empty, before ominously looking out towards Crystal Lake knowing his son was actually resting beneath the water. Personally, I felt that would've been a great way to introduce him, and potentially the only thing they really needed to do with him. Sometimes, less is more. I believe the idea got scrapped when Jason Lives decided to take a more horror/comedy route, so such a serious scene just didn't fit with the tone of the rest of the movie, so the groundskeeper was turned into a more comedic character to add to the body count.
I'm Not a Goalie
I'm Not a Goalie
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Jason's father Empty Re: Jason's father

Post by OCT 31 1978 February 18th 2023, 9:23 pm

I think a great introduction for Him would have been in the beginning of a New Beginning….. he could have been the town crazy talking about his Boy not being dead and he would be back for revenge….. then at the End we find out he was the Imposter of A New Beginning instead.

Boom best intro ever!! Lol 😂
OCT 31 1978
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Jason's father Empty Re: Jason's father

Post by jasn88cubs February 19th 2023, 8:43 am

pt 5

Roy is Jason's father!! haha
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OCT 31 1978 and Trekapedia also liked this post!

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Jason's father Empty Re: Jason's father

Post by Soulbait70 February 20th 2023, 3:08 pm

Jason's father should have been introduced as the killer in Friday the 13th Part 2. It would have been the logical thing to do and we would not have to debate whether or not Jason actually drowned or was he living out in the woods for two decades.

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OCT 31 1978 and Trekapedia also liked this post!

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Jason's father Empty Re: Jason's father

Post by OCT 31 1978 February 20th 2023, 3:41 pm

Soulbait70 wrote:Jason's father should have been introduced as the killer in Friday the 13th Part 2. It would have been the logical thing to do and we would not have to debate whether or not Jason actually drowned or was he living out in the woods for two decades.

Until Part 3 when Jason takes over as the Killer lol
OCT 31 1978
OCT 31 1978
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Jason's father Empty Re: Jason's father

Post by Jason Voorhees February 20th 2023, 9:54 pm

The same fashion for Part 6 would do an amazing character introduction for him.
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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