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Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children?

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Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Empty Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children?

Post by Jason Voorhees October 25th 2020, 10:18 am

C.J. Graham

Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Cjgrah10
C.J. Graham has stated that Jason would never kill/harm a child in an interview with CrookedLlama Interview

C.J. Graham wrote:One of the things that Tom loved was the old black and white Frankenstein and you think back to that movie and there was the scene with the little girl and Frankenstein at the edge of the water. She handed him a daisy and he kind of looked at her in curiosity but he didn’t touch or harm the little girl. It was the same conceptual idea. Curiosity about the little girl but never, ever would Jason harm a child is what I always tell people. It is all about the Camp Counselors and anyone else of age that wants to step in his way.

Reason: Jason Voorhees wouldn't whatsoever hurt those below the age but of the age.

Kane Hodder
Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Kane_h10
Kane Hodder himself also confirmed that Jason won't hurt animals or children.
Kane Hodder wrote:I think that maybe the fact that I filled in something about the fact that I think Jason won't hurt animals or kids. There was something where they wanted me to kick a dog but I think Jason identifies with animals and kids. It's the adults that are assholes. I may have built up some of the backstory about that.

Reason: Jason is someone who identifies with Animals and Children where adults are the assholes.

Reason Behind this Post

A lot of the community are always asking or confused on how or why Jason Doesn't kill any children characters in the films and it's explained behind the scenes but not in the films so this forum post will give multiple valid reasonings on how and why these actors feel/think Jason wouldn't hurt children.
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Empty Re: Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children?

Post by HaHaTrumpWon November 4th 2020, 4:48 pm

NES Jason killed kids no problem.
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Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Empty Re: Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children?

Post by Jason Voorhees November 4th 2020, 4:50 pm

HaHaTrumpWon wrote:NES Jason killed kids no problem.
NES Jason actually looks like NES Roy Burns. Razz
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Empty Re: Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children?

Post by HaHaTrumpWon November 4th 2020, 5:12 pm

NES Jason killed kids no problem.
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Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Empty Re: Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children?

Post by Jason Voorhees November 5th 2020, 8:22 pm

HaHaTrumpWon wrote:NES Jason killed kids no problem.

Yeah, I played the game before but from the official design, it honestly looks like Roy burns and not actually Jason himself.
Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Jason_10
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Empty Re: Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children?

Post by The Noble Idiot November 7th 2020, 1:06 am

That actually makes a fair bit of sense. If memory serves me right, Roy was winding up to take out Reggie in the finale.
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Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children? Empty Re: Why Jason Voorhees doesn't Kill Children?

Post by Jason Voorhees November 7th 2020, 2:23 am

The Noble Idiot wrote:That actually makes a fair bit of sense. If memory serves me right, Roy was winding up to take out Reggie in the finale.

Yeah Roy didn't share that same psychology with Jason.

I believe and think Jason would instantly have hatred for Roy for even killing a Child.
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

Age : 78
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