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Jason's lady legs

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Jason's lady legs Empty Jason's lady legs

Post by ThePunisher September 16th 2022, 10:13 am

When we watch the start of part 2, the little kid says "Oh, Mom", then we see a foot stepping in some water, and the bottom of a baggy pair of pants. We're supposed to think it was Jason, but I heard it was a woman wearing baggy pants in the role of Jason.

Has anyone else heard this????

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Jason's lady legs Empty Re: Jason's lady legs

Post by jasn88cubs September 16th 2022, 12:33 pm

ThePunisher wrote:When we watch the start of part 2, the little kid says "Oh, Mom", then we see a foot stepping in some water, and the bottom of a baggy pair of pants. We're supposed to think it was Jason, but I heard it was a woman wearing baggy pants in the role of Jason.

Has anyone else heard this????

I feel like I have heard that BUT I can't say 100% for sure
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