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questions about part 2

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questions about part 2 Empty questions about part 2

Post by ThePunisher January 11th 2022, 12:01 pm

Where did Mark and his wheelchair end up after encountering Jason?

How come no blood was on the stairs after Jason dragged Vicki from upstairs?

How come we have all these cars to make the camp look like a Burger King, but only two cars were available to go for beer later on?

How did Paul find the cabin where Ginny and Jason were at the end?

Where did all the other camp counselors go after going to the bar and the next morning?

Where did Jason get his sack for his head?

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questions about part 2 Empty Re: questions about part 2

Post by OCT 31 1978 January 11th 2022, 12:52 pm

ThePunisher wrote:Where did Mark and his wheelchair end up after encountering Jason?

*****With as fast as that wheelchair was moving….. I bet it is still rolling around Camp as we speak lol…
But seriously his body and the chair probably ended up in the Lake…. That stair case leads right to the water.*****

How come no blood was on the stairs after Jason dragged Vicki from upstairs?

*****Friday the 13th Logic 😎….. bodies only bleed while being killed…. Once off screen they dry up faster than a spoon full of cinnamon…*****

How come we have all these cars to make the camp look like a Burger King, but only two cars were available to go for beer later on?

*****Good question, the only thing I can think is there were more cars and we don’t ever see the entire staff take off in them*****

How did Paul find the cabin where Ginny and Jason were at the end?

***** Another good question, my guess and that’s all we can do is he was following Jason in the woods and maybe heard the commotion of Jason chopping the “door” in his shack?*****

Where did all the other camp counselors go after going to the bar and the next morning?

***** I assume some of them came back late into the morning hours and were looking for people…maybe even one of them called or went and got the police that’s why Ginny wakes up on a stretcher in the morning…. But still just a guess on my part*****

Where did Jason get his sack for his head?

***** I would like to know this as well…. Did he have it when he killed Alice? Or did he take it after maybe from Camp Packanack.. I have heard it’s a potato sack / burlap sack but it really looks like a Pillow case in many scenes to me …*****
OCT 31 1978
OCT 31 1978
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questions about part 2 Empty Re: questions about part 2

Post by Fair Play January 11th 2022, 5:20 pm

My guess about the sack would be that it was something Jason found lying around.
Fair Play

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questions about part 2 Empty Re: questions about part 2

Post by ThePunisher January 12th 2022, 9:35 am

OCT 31 1978 wrote:
ThePunisher wrote:Where did Mark and his wheelchair end up after encountering Jason?

*****With as fast as that wheelchair was moving….. I bet it is still rolling around Camp as we speak lol…
But seriously his body and the chair probably ended up in the Lake…. That stair case leads right to the water.*****

How come no blood was on the stairs after Jason dragged Vicki from upstairs?

*****Friday the 13th Logic 😎….. bodies only bleed while being killed…. Once off screen they dry up faster than a spoon full of cinnamon…*****

How come we have all these cars to make the camp look like a Burger King, but only two cars were available to go for beer later on?

*****Good question, the only thing I can think is there were more cars and we don’t ever see the entire staff take off in them*****

How did Paul find the cabin where Ginny and Jason were at the end?

***** Another good question, my guess and that’s all we can do is he was following Jason in the woods and maybe heard the commotion of Jason chopping the “door” in his shack?*****

Where did all the other camp counselors go after going to the bar and the next morning?

***** I assume some of them came back late into the morning hours and were looking for people…maybe even one of them called or went and got the police that’s why Ginny wakes up on a stretcher in the morning…. But still just a guess on my part*****

Where did Jason get his sack for his head?

***** I would like to know this as well…. Did he have it when he killed Alice? Or did he take it after maybe from Camp Packanack.. I have heard it’s a potato sack / burlap sack but it really looks like a Pillow case in many scenes to me …*****
Of course, a REAL question would be - How many bodies are in that lake?

Age : 56
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Location : Camp Crystal Lake

OCT 31 1978 and SonofOdin6039 also liked this post!

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questions about part 2 Empty Re: questions about part 2

Post by jasn88cubs January 12th 2022, 9:37 am

ThePunisher wrote:Where did Mark and his wheelchair end up after encountering Jason?

How come no blood was on the stairs after Jason dragged Vicki from upstairs?

How come we have all these cars to make the camp look like a Burger King, but only two cars were available to go for beer later on?

How did Paul find the cabin where Ginny and Jason were at the end?

Where did all the other camp counselors go after going to the bar and the next morning?

Where did Jason get his sack for his head?

1)probably thrown into woods

2) good question lol

3)probably didnt want a bunch of people drinking and driving

4)followed the steps?

5)went back to camp and saw all the horror

6)probably just left in woods/road somewhere
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