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favorite elements of the movies

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favorite elements of the movies Empty favorite elements of the movies

Post by ThePunisher December 25th 2021, 1:04 pm

What are your favorite elements of the Friday movies? Is it the stalk and kill? How about thunderstorms? How about jump scares?

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favorite elements of the movies Empty Re: favorite elements of the movies

Post by jasn88cubs December 25th 2021, 9:04 pm

creepy atmosphere

part 1 where Jack and Marcy are talking and in rolls the storms

The high winds

the mystery where it's dark and you can't fully see whats going on

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favorite elements of the movies Empty Re: favorite elements of the movies

Post by OCT 31 1978 December 26th 2021, 10:23 am

I love the mythology the series has created…… an undead killer who keeps coming back for revenge, a death curse on Camp Crystal Lake…..all the elements in the movies help to pull you in to this story the storm, wind…the kills.
OCT 31 1978
OCT 31 1978
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favorite elements of the movies Empty Re: favorite elements of the movies

Post by SonofOdin6039 January 10th 2022, 3:31 pm

For me it's the windy, leaf blown setting in most of them. It sets the stage for an eerie environment better than a thunderstorm
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jasn88cubs and OCT 31 1978 also liked this post!

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favorite elements of the movies Empty Re: favorite elements of the movies

Post by jasn88cubs January 10th 2022, 5:44 pm

SonofOdin6039 wrote:For me it's the windy, leaf blown setting in most of them. It sets the stage for an eerie environment better than a thunderstorm

Part 6 was good at that
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OCT 31 1978 and SonofOdin6039 also liked this post!

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