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What Brand of Boots does Jason Voorhees use in Friday the 13th The New Blood?

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What Brand of Boots does Jason Voorhees use in Friday the 13th The New Blood? Empty What Brand of Boots does Jason Voorhees use in Friday the 13th The New Blood?

Post by Jason Voorhees November 21st 2021, 4:28 pm

What Brand of Boots does Jason Voorhees use in Friday the 13th The New Blood? Img_2029

These are one of the better screenshots or pictures I Just found on the internet as some know I do Cosplay as Part 7 Jason and if everyone knows me I love going for accurate attires.
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

Age : 78
Gender : Male
Posts : 2560
Join Date : 2017-06-24
Location : Camp Crystal Lake

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