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Little funny/weird things from the series...

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Little funny/weird things from the series... Empty Little funny/weird things from the series...

Post by CorkscrewTed November 1st 2024, 4:55 pm

Just noticed in pt 5 at the 23 min mark, Tina is holding a bottle of coke- she has a vision of Jason and drops her coke bottle which falls on the softest looking carpet, but shatters like it was on a hard floor. Stupid minutia, I know, but it's fun to spot these little things.
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Little funny/weird things from the series... Empty Re: Little funny/weird things from the series...

Post by ThePunisher November 1st 2024, 6:49 pm

In part 6, Deputy Rick is coming into the station with cardboard boxes of food. He drops them to help deal with Tommy and they fall on the floor without making a sound.

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