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Sheriff Meeker's bad move

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Sheriff Meeker's bad move Empty Sheriff Meeker's bad move

Post by ThePunisher August 7th 2024, 5:56 pm

In Halloween 4, how horrible of a move was it for Sheriff Meeker to lock down in his house with Michael out roaming the streets? Doesn't it seem like an invitation to Michael to head straight there?

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Sheriff Meeker's bad move Empty Re: Sheriff Meeker's bad move

Post by Jason Voorhees August 8th 2024, 1:21 am

ThePunisher wrote:In Halloween 4, how horrible of a move was it for Sheriff Meeker to lock down in his house with Michael out roaming the streets?  Doesn't it seem like an invitation to Michael to head straight there?
Honestly if they just left the state or country, I'm sure Michael couldn't at all find them just as easily
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees

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Sheriff Meeker's bad move Empty Re: Sheriff Meeker's bad move

Post by ThePunisher August 9th 2024, 1:26 pm

Jason Voorhees wrote:
ThePunisher wrote:In Halloween 4, how horrible of a move was it for Sheriff Meeker to lock down in his house with Michael out roaming the streets?  Doesn't it seem like an invitation to Michael to head straight there?
Honestly if they just left the state or country, I'm sure Michael couldn't at all find them just as easily

Well, Michael DID find Laurie in the private school.

Age : 56
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Join Date : 2021-06-06
Location : Camp Crystal Lake

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