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Movie franchises you don't like

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Movie franchises you don't like

Post by ThePunisher August 3rd 2024, 7:10 pm

Is there a particular franchise you DON'T like?

For ME, I'm not a fan of the whole James Bond thing. I guess I really never understood it.

I never card for Sleepaway Camp either.

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by Ivan1987 August 4th 2024, 2:43 am

Harry Potter, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings - I'm not into any of this.

Unlike you, I have always enjoyed the James Bond movies.

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by ThePunisher August 4th 2024, 8:51 am

Ivan1987 wrote:Harry Potter, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings - I'm not into any of this.

Unlike you, I have always enjoyed the James Bond movies.

People have different tastes. Are the franchises you listed too fantasy oriented for you?

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by Ivan1987 August 4th 2024, 9:48 am

Yeah, I guess that would be the reason. Never, ever in my lifetime was I into either the fantasy or science fiction genre. Though I'm planning to read the Starship Troopers book for a long time now, since I enjoyed the movie, but that's just one of the few exceptions.

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by jasn88cubs August 4th 2024, 9:46 pm

I rewatched the Jurassic world/dominion movies and didnt really enjoy em

Love the man with no name trilogy with Clint Eastwood
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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by I'm Not a Goalie August 6th 2024, 8:52 pm

Horror wise, I'm not a huge fan of the Terrifier series. The kills and gore are fun, but they overshadow everything else in those films that just feel aimless otherwise. I feel like you could just watch a kill compilation on Youtube, and then skip the rest of those movies because you're not really missing much of anything.
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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by ThePunisher August 7th 2024, 5:53 pm

I'm Not a Goalie wrote:Horror wise, I'm not a huge fan of the Terrier series. The kills and gore are fun, but they overshadow everything else in those films that just feel aimless otherwise. I feel like you could just watch a kill compilation on Youtube, and then skip the rest of those movies because you're not really missing much of anything.

You mean Terrifier with Art the Clown? I know what you men? I thought Pennywise was enough in the murderous clown theme.

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by t8mc August 21st 2024, 8:07 am

Scream and Halloween. They're both mostly awful.

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by Ivan1987 August 21st 2024, 9:15 am

Must be the first time somebody in the entire history of horror message boards admits not liking Halloween. What did you not like about it? Is it just the last sequels or you did not like everything about it?

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by t8mc August 21st 2024, 12:29 pm

Ivan1987 wrote:Must be the first time somebody in the entire history of horror message boards admits not liking Halloween. What did you not like about it? Is it just the last sequels or you did not like everything about it?

Halloween (original) is okay but it's kind of dull and the kills are bland and then that continues throughout the series. 2 and 4 had their moments but I was pretty much bored throughout. 5 was super terrible.

I saw H20 in the cinema back in the day and don't remember anything apart from thinking it was shite.

And the final trilogy. Christ. 2018 was just as dreary and slow as the first film. Kills was just a bad movie in all ways. Ends showed that they had no idea what sort of trilogy they were writing.

I like Halloween 3 quite a bit because it feels even more like a John Carpenter movie than the original did.

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by ThePunisher August 21st 2024, 5:12 pm

t8mc wrote:
Ivan1987 wrote:Must be the first time somebody in the entire history of horror message boards admits not liking Halloween. What did you not like about it? Is it just the last sequels or you did not like everything about it?

Halloween (original) is okay but it's kind of dull and the kills are bland and then that continues throughout the series. 2 and 4 had their moments but I was pretty much bored throughout. 5 was super terrible.

I saw H20 in the cinema back in the day and don't remember anything apart from thinking it was shite.

And the final trilogy. Christ. 2018 was just as dreary and slow as the first film. Kills was just a bad movie in all ways. Ends showed that they had no idea what sort of trilogy they were writing.

I like Halloween 3 quite a bit because it feels even more like a John Carpenter movie than the original did.

I wondered why you didn't like Halloween, but now you've explained it, I understand a little more. I'm surprised you kept watching the movies though.

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by Ivan1987 August 23rd 2024, 3:35 am

I agree that H4 - H6 are a bit weird, though they're still watchable like once a year or so. As for the past three sequels, ask me in a couple of years. I'm still a bit confused. I'm probably looking too much into something that has become a brainless horror series and will never have the higher value fans expect it to have.

But don't get me wrong here, I love H1, H2, H3, I enjoy H20 and I even used to have some fun times with Resurrection. I like the Zombie's additions too. But as for the rest of the sequels and the series as a whole, it has become something worth a psychiatric evaluation. But still I would never say openly that I don't like Halloween. Smile

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by Jason Voorhees August 23rd 2024, 9:31 am

A franchise I don't like?

I'll definitely have to say...

Megaolodon Vs franchise
Sharknado franchise

Just extremely boring and over the top.
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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by ThePunisher August 23rd 2024, 12:54 pm

Jason Voorhees wrote:A franchise I don't like?

I'll definitely have to say...

Megaolodon Vs franchise
Sharknado franchise

Just extremely boring and over the top.

Gotta agree here, especially with Sharknado. When was the last time Tara Reid was in anything?

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by lizzardvoorhees August 23rd 2024, 4:10 pm

Terrifier series just doesn’t do it for me and idk why. I’ve tried to watch the first two but got bored and turned it off. I can’t get into new horror now days so I’m mostly stuck on the old shit (80s, 90s)
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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by t8mc August 24th 2024, 8:52 am

lizzardvoorhees wrote:Terrifier series just doesn’t do it for me and idk why. I’ve tried to watch the first two but got bored and turned it off. I can’t get into new horror now days so I’m mostly stuck on the old shit (80s, 90s)

Terrifier 2 felt very 80s funnily enough.

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by t8mc August 24th 2024, 8:57 am

ThePunisher wrote:

I wondered why you didn't like Halloween, but now you've explained it, I understand a little more. I'm surprised you kept watching the movies though.

I don't like to write things off without giving them a fair chance. So I decided just a few years ago to try to redo the whole series. I finished 5 (which was absymal) and then bailed like 20 mins into 6 maybe.

I then jumped onto the first RZ one and gave up just a few mins in because it was doing exactly what I expected. A redneck shouting 'I'm going to f**k you in the eye' or something. Rob, you're a grown adult. Act like one sometimes.

But most of all I really hated the new trilogy. It's as bad a trilogy as I've ever seen anywhere.

2018 - JLC is Sarah Connor
Kills - JLC is in bed
Ends - JLC has just let everything go even after MM killed her daughter and is now super chilled about it all. And she's also practically an extra in the film. Oh and then she's fighting MM. Okay, whatever.

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Movie franchises you don't like Empty Re: Movie franchises you don't like

Post by Ivan1987 August 26th 2024, 8:57 am

Funny how JLC swore to God that H20 will be her last Halloween and she actually did it in such a way that you still wonder how come she appeared in 4 (!) more Halloweens after that. What do I tell you, time will probably solve this. Years ago, I used to hate RZH 2 and now I just can't wait for the movie to be on TV so I can watch it again! This last trilogy is probably headed the same way.

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