Jason Universe (JASON UN1V3RSE) is a major collaboration to introduce a new era for the Friday the 13th Franchise, as Horror, Inc. announces Mega-Multi-Platform Expansion of and for the Friday the 13th Franchise! Horror, Inc. has specifically stated that a wide-range of entertainment, games, immersive experiences, merchandise will be promoted and promised throughout 2024!
This is also what is stated...
Robert BarsamianFor decades, Jason shocked and thrilled audiences who kept coming back for more. We’re excited to work with Victor Miller and Marc Toberoff on new projects we’ll announce in the coming months, We’re focused on honoring the legacy while elevating the fan experience and appealing to today’s horror audiences as we develop new ways to watch, interact and engage with the Jason Universe.
Robert Barsamian is the President of Horror, Inc. And him stating that Victor Miller and Marc Toberoff are in the plot of things means things should be working out better as Victor Miller owns the rights to the original film from the F13 Franchise, and since Robert Barsamian has been the executive producer of Friday the 13th the Game and is the executive producer of A24's Crystal Lake Series, shows his dedication for the franchise!
With the official @JasonUniverse13 Twitter following Fortnite we might see this come to a reality! New entertainment/merchandise/games can mean and expand many aspects! New shirts, card games, mobile phone apps, trivia websites and more so I can say I am excited to see what they bring this 2024!
As of right now there's no words about "Movies" but the TV Show, Games, and other entertainment products will come out of this collaboration!