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Rest In Peace Carol Locatell

Jason Voorhees | Published on the april 18th 2023, 5:52 pm | 1509 Views

Carol Locatell the actress best known for her portrayal of Ethel Hubbard from Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning has sadly passed away on April 11th, 2023 at the age of 82 due to complications with Cancer.

Ron Sloan her on-screen fictional/considered son wrote this on his official Facebook...

Ron Sloan

Dearest friends, fans, and Horror family, With great sadness, it breaks my heart to announce that my Friday the 13th Part 5 Mom, (Ethel Hubbard) Carol Locatell has passed away. She had battled cancer for many years. For the longest time, I thought she kick cancers ass, cause she really was a tough lady. I have shared more laughter with Carol, then you could ever imagine. Her interaction with her fans truly warmed my heart. Asking every single fan the question “Do you want me to flip you off , or what line would you like as an autographed on your picture? She would offer lines like “You big dildo eat your fucking slop” “Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want” We were not only great friends, but we were family. Those of us who are fortunate enough to be Actors in horror films, knows the meaning of the Horror Family. This is truly a life experience for me and I am so proud to have Carol Locatell share her private life with her husband, Greg, with my wife Lisa. From laughter to tears, I was truly blessed to work with this wonderful, brilliant, actress / mom. Her sailor mouth will truly be missed at the next convention. Please say a prayer for her and her family. She truly did love her fans, and we truly had so much fun together meeting you. Please feel free to post your pictures and memories of Carol to celebrate her life. Many blessings and #FUCKCANCER!

 Original Source: Ron Sloan's Facebook Post

Make sure you show your love and respect to our fallen F13 Alumi for her dedication, love, and passion for the fans!

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