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Friday the 13th Website   

RIP Camp Blood Forum

Jason Voorhees | Published on the may 2nd 2021, 11:15 am | 2248 Views

A lot of people won't understand the significance of losing this forum as a Horror/Friday the 13th fan...the website was originally owned by someone named Kat who ran the website for over 18+ years on and off, the website was going through multiple shutdowns/cleanups throughout its years but it made up for it because of its content and the members.

Sadly the website was flooded with "Personal" drama from the founder as numerous people have alleged that she spent donation money on other priorities than for the website, random and petty bans that didn't break the forum rules, and the lack of moderation and activity kept the majority of the entire website inactive, statements about drinking and or drug issues have occurred, others from mental breakdowns, and just because reasons of cheating rumors and even having beef with other popular F13 relating/related content such as Friday the 13th Franchise for one which Kat tried to limit any and all interactions with the website including banning the website link and likely the wordings for it, it got bad to the point of slanderous accusations which can't be proven, the website housed numerous amounts of information relating to all things F13 from Movie facts, trivia, mistakes/bloopers/continuity errors, to the comics, and many others sources of information, and with the allegations given, please do not target or have prejudice towards Kat and her Website, everyone is human and everyone isn't by any definition "Perfect" so let's keep things civil and positive as everyone deals with personal issues in their own way be it Healthy or Toxic.

And as of Janurary 15th, 2021 the website was yet again and presumably permanently shut down due to lack of payments for the hosting website, and currently unknown if the website could make a comeback from the months of loss, many veterans of the forum already shifted to other platforms to fulfill their needs and we are one of them, and yet its time to say good-bye to the oldest F13 fan-forum in the history of the internet and making Friday the 13th Franchise website the oldest.

RIP Camp Blood Forums!

Update April 27th 2024:

Kat (Founder of Camp Blood) has officially joined the website and it's an honor that she did even under the circumstances of it all and these are from her own word's, nothing will be manipulated or left out: 


I'm still alive....although I love to see toxic people I cut out of my life trash talking me years later lmao. Pathetic rather.

To update you all I had a child and simply, my child was more important then a website and I no longer had the time, energy or money to take care of the place. I lost my passion and put it into family. I had several close family members well as abuse at the hands of a guy knut still talks to this day....which is why I cut him off...he likes to drink and trash talk anyone....

Still love F13th! Glad sites still exist! My now 8yr old daughter loves Horror.....but maybe a little too much haha! Peace Out

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