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WWE Wrestler Kane as the Next Jason Voorhees Rumors

Jason Voorhees | Published on the january 16th 2021, 8:36 am | 3318 Views

This Rumor was created and started by the (mostly) considered Pseudo-News and Blogging Website "ScreenRants" where their writer Michael Kennedy titled his article as "Friday The 13th's Next Jason Voorhees Actor Needs To Be The WWE's Kane" and gives his "Fan based Opinions" of why and how Kane aka Glenn Jacobs could and can play the role but the F13 community sees this as either a Rumor or an Official thing.

It's time to explain that ScreenRants articles aren't "Official" and are majority written by Bloggers, who mainly make theories and fan-opinionated content.

WWE Kane isn't Wrestling as much due to being the Mayor of Knox County, and because he is already a part of his own Horror franchise with See No Evil as Jacob Goodnight.

I will say the only good points from Mr.Kennedy's article is that Kane (WWE) played a large, tall, (almost) silent masked character (Glenn Jacobs, aka Kane, is standing at 7 ft 0) for decades but as many fans who shared the article had Expressed that the "Only" Kane that should play Jason Voorhees is "Kane Hodder"

Now, would Kane (the Wrestler, of course) make a good Jason? To me, I couldn't see Kane being so slow in movement and no offense, but as a long-time Wrestler, I don't think he could make the same impression for speed as Derek Mears has done.

As for See No Evil franchise, I believe he fits perfectly as his own Killer because he can do things the way he wants, rather than getting attack with criticism from fans of the F13 Community, so would I want WWE Kane as Jason Voorhees? No, not really... I would say, C.J. Graham, Kane Hodder, or Derek Mears are the best options for the series...

Now to shut this rumor down, even more, Glenn barely ever wrestles as of 2020/2021 and does minor Cameos for the WWE Company due to the fact he is yet again a Mayor of a State that has his full attention especially with the "COVID-19" Virus making it hard on all of us but I will say I am hopeful for a See No Evil 3 because Glenn Jacobs as Jacob Goodnight is just a persona only he can do perfectly he doesn't have to be slow like Jason, but can be Brutal and Sinister in his own way.

So no...Kane aka Glenn Jacobs isn't the next Jason. There are no movies being produced whatsoever. Because now, the ongoing Lawsuit between Sean Cunningham and Victor Miller is still keeping the franchise frozen.

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