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Friday the 13th: The Game Single-Player

Jason Voorhees | Published on the july 13th 2017, 4:32 pm | 4594 Views

Wes Keltner the developer of the game at Gun Media has already teased us about the single player mode on twitter stating.....

Wes Keltner

Think about the game like a film:
Multi-player starts at reel 4. Everyone knows Jason is there.
Single-player starts at reel 1. All victims have no idea.

From wes keltner words this means that players will spawn with counselors unaware of his presence also meaning they will have complex AIs so that the story mode can progress.

This also comes with a New Map for players to enjoy hunting down counselors but for the time being Single-Player is still in development with Gun Media stating the following.

Gun Media

Our primary concern has remained the persistent memory leak, which is an issue that has been most prevalent on Xbox One.

So until all the errors are fixed mostly for all systems like PS4,Xbox One, and PC will the single player either be finishing up or be released for players under as free content across all the platforms since as of right now there is no word on the current development of single player mode so there is no official estimates given by those Devs or those who work with them.

New Map:

Old Information:

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